New member
searchcoil to my arsenal of Excelerator coils. When I attached the coil to my MXT I found it had good balance. I got a chance to put the coil through its paces for a couple hours or so at a school near my home. During my hunt I saw that the coil pinpointed right on the money, VDI numbers were accurate and I was able to run the gain high without any noticeable chatter. I found targets as deep as 9 inches and I am sure had I scanned over a deeper target the coil would have detected it. Due to the size of the coil I was able to search a athletic field without missing to much ground.. I along with others have hit this school pretty hard, but as you can see, we missed some. I really like this coil and I had a good first hunt. Being a big coil it is heavy and it takes some getting used to. HH Dennis in Idaho