Hello my fellow water hunters! I thought I would drop a line to remind everyone whose getting in the water to be very careful (esp here in Fl). It's time for the stingrays and sharks to start moving in now and I thought I might share a story to (hopefully) keep you wary and out of harms way. Yesterday was a hunt day for me, and sidekick Jess and I went out after work (in the late afternoon) to one of our usual hunting grounds to do a little searching. I went to the water as usual and Jess explored the dry stuff. I was doing my thing not a care in the world, I stopped to dig a few targets here and there and was on my way along my line, when I looked up and spotted a large bull shark headed along my same line in the opposite direction. Now, I grew up on the Island, and was raised fishing and diving, so seeing a shark is nothing new to me. I don't wanna shake hands with them or anything, but they don't bother me to much either. I kinda made a little jump to the left toward shore and he rocketed off into the deep stuff, leaving a little tornado of sand in front of me. For a second, I thought to myself, If I had been paying less attention I might not have even noticed him. I kinda shrugged and then went back to my line. I worked that area for another 3-5 minutes and then as I made a larger swing out into the deeper stuff I noticed a large dark shadow out of my peripheral vision, I turn to look and THE SAME SHARK WAS BEHIND ME BY ABOUT 10 FEET FOLLOWING ME SLOWLY IN THE SURF LINE. LOL....I don't have to tell you what words came out of my mouth, but, they rhymed with Duck,Hit, and Bell. Fortunately for me, I think "the man in brown suit" had been more curious than hungry, and as I was suddenly possessed with a sudden urge to go see what Jess was up to, he kind of careened off into the deep stuff again. I related my story to Jess who laughed at me...and I chuckled along too, but it gave me pause about how what time of day and where I want to do my summer hunting. Now I'm not trying to spread fear or anything. I have a real respect for nature and I don't think you should be afraid of going into the water at all. I have been in it and around the beasties of the deep my whole life with no problem, but as I said keep my story in mind when you get in and keep your eyes open for the things that might be a threat to your health.