I usually change my batteries when they were half empty. This time I ran them all the way down. I had no problem digging deep targets with the battery meter on low. Even when I finally got the dreaded low beeps telling me to change the batteries. After 4 tone alerts (about 10 minutes) I changed the batteries. I then checked the voltage of each of the old AA batteries. The average voltage was 1.125 volts. This would equate to 4.5 volts since they run in series. So I would have to conclude that the Xterras are regulated to 4.5 volts. It would seem to me that the NMH batteries that are 1.2 volts (4.8 series volts) would not be able to power the detector for a very long time. I'm just throwing this out there.......................... This may not be important info but it is info.........................