yeah me too everyone needs to wear more gold
woman at a shop I visit has 2 gold rings on each finger bracelets chains but she doesn't look to active
but it's still out there !!
have to take hope detecting or I may as well not go
having said that I expect nothing and if I do find some its a huge surprise
most people wont snipe my tabs
so its still out there !!
I have been slowly cleaning out a local soccer field 2 side by side of every target not much iron there built in 1982 so I set disc below iron on most Tesoros and dig everything I mean I have pulled a couple of thousand targets out of this place and I know it was a an undetected park, its been a real eye opener in many ways and has netted many spendable coins, I started with high disc and pulled everything I could then went to below iron, one of the main things standing out is how many higher disc coins I missed with high disc.
I am very meticulous about pulling the high disc coins out with high disc and just to see what I have missed is a bit of a eye opener in that for what ever reason the machine hasn't picked them up, like a coin in the middle of a tab 6" triangle, or a coin in the hole with a tab, or a coin that should come in above tab not hitting till iron.
sure there are many factors in play ground moisture, swing speed, coil selection, how hard am I listening etc... we all know that stuff.
but like I told the grounds keeper who was a nice guy you will have the cleanest park in town when I am finished and I am way past half way, netted 2 gold bands so far and a few silver rings and a silver bracelet.
so if I just love detecting because I love detecting and not overly concerned about what I find it seems I do pretty good
and am outside getting some sun and air and if I find something nice its a bonus really, but having said that its only around the corner, if I travel I do try and detect a bit smarter as in time verses reward, but close to home I am in no hurry
so for this kind of park clean out cant beat tesoros no screen watching up down out and keep moving.