Kapok said:
I've been using the 600 since the spring but am thinking about trading up to the 800. My main reason would be to have the extra recovery speeds. Does anyone have any insight on the correlation of the speeds between the two machines? I've heard that 2 on the 600 = 5 on the 800. Is there true value in having those extra degrees of recovery speed? I fear there's a big difference between 2 and 3 on the 600. Thanks, all.
Just my 2 cents but I use the 600 in the most trashiest sites in Los Angeles. It's pulltab/bottlecap city out here along with other trash.
Recovery 3 is equal to 6 on the 800. Basically, it's 1,2,3 which is 2,4,6 on the 800. Iron bias the same... 1,2,3 600 / 2,4,6 800
For me, at a recovery speed of 3 you will still hear targets coming at you at lightning speed. And you are familiar with this since you own one.
I can't imagine why I would need more speed than this? Coming from another ML FBS machine it is like night & day between recovery speeds.
If the 800 would have been available a year ago, I would have bought it, but unfortunately, it wasn't.
Since I hunt 50 tones & AM I don't have a need for tone breaks. Even if I had the 800, I wouldn't use the tone breaks. I like au naturale in my tones.
The 800 however, sounds like a great idea for me, since I am contemplating hunting for gold, which is found here in So Cal.