It's been a long, long time since I posted but, today I just have to give a public great big thank you and Bravo Zulu to Joe Priest. Last fall I searched the forum looking for someone who could fix my excal that had a WOT on it. I figured the unit was toast but I decided to give Joe a call. I sent him my unit after the new year and told him that I was in no rush and to do whatever he could. Well, today it came back and I had to email Joe because I thought he had sent me someone elses new machine. It is pristine. New battery cable, end caps, waterproofed, and to top it off new head phones. It looks brand new. I'm not gonna tell you what I paid but I would have gladly paid a hell of a lot more I can not thank Joe enough. Just wanted to let everyone out there know he really is the man. Thanks again Joe Priest and happy hunting. Bill.