I was reading your web page and liked your tips about GPS & OziExplorer. That combination will surely decrease the time I spend trying to locate hunt sites. Instead of looking at 2 miles where a location could have been I can narrow the search down considerably and move out from where the GPS indicates what I am looking for *should* be. Pretty cool and will become invaluable I'm sure. I know alot of the backroads around here because of being a UPS man. But, the GPS & OziExplorer will help me tremendously on the areas that I am not as familiar with. You up'ed my possible sites tremendously. The biggest thing the GPS & OziExplorer will help with is finding where the old schools, etc. are that don't have any roads leading to them anymore. There are several of those up in the mountains by my house. Calibrate on a map and at least your in the ball park... instead of a mile away... <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="
I was reading your web page and liked your tips about GPS & OziExplorer. That combination will surely decrease the time I spend trying to locate hunt sites. Instead of looking at 2 miles where a location could have been I can narrow the search down considerably and move out from where the GPS indicates what I am looking for *should* be. Pretty cool and will become invaluable I'm sure. I know alot of the backroads around here because of being a UPS man. But, the GPS & OziExplorer will help me tremendously on the areas that I am not as familiar with. You up'ed my possible sites tremendously. The biggest thing the GPS & OziExplorer will help with is finding where the old schools, etc. are that don't have any roads leading to them anymore. There are several of those up in the mountains by my house. Calibrate on a map and at least your in the ball park... instead of a mile away... <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="