I use a Garrett GTI 2500 and I am a Garrett dealer for part time hobby,I mostly coin hunt locally at a nearby school and where ever I have time to go. I have never actively searched for rings or jewelry but would like to start more actively looking for these lost treasures. I have found some junk rings and such and bracelet or necklace pendants. I once was asked to use my machine to locate a lost ring that had been lost for about a month, an avid coin and jewelry hunter had one of the other top brand detectors and had looked for the ring off and on for several days with no luck. The lady that lost the ring even layed out the general area where the ring was lost which was where she had been throwing horse shoes. I brought my 2500 down the next day and within 10 mins located the ring. I have pretty much mastered my GTI 2500 with pinpointing and retrieving objects quickly and I can consistenly dig nickels which most people pass by because of the possiblility of digging junk. What advice do you guys have on searching for jewelry and machine settings and do you dig alot of pull tabs. Thanks for the info.