Eddie in Poulsbo
New member
Hi James. First off let me congratulate you on your first seated coin. I figured that if anyone would find one before me that it would be you. Very nice my friend and maybe now they will start coming more easier for you. I found out some more information on that ring. I'm pretty sure it belonged to a guy by the name of Stewart Hill who was a linebacker for the Huskies. He was drafted by the Raiders in 1984 and ended up playing football for the Canadian football league. I have already gotten an email from a guy who is into the Husky alumni thing and he asked me to send him the ring. I said no way!! I want to either mail this ring to the owner or give it to him in person if he is still in the area. I'll keep all informed about the outcome on this ring. Again, congrats on the seated buddy and may many more seated coins pass under your coil....... HH.