I'm looking for some help in identifying a copper coin that I found in Massachusetts. It is approximately .850" in diameter (21.5mm). This coin differs from James I and II coins that I have seen in a number of ways:
The portrait is facing left - Other portraits of James I face right. The beaded collar seems to resemble James I portraits.
"IACOB" is on the reverse. It is spelled "IACOBUS" on all the other coins I've seen. There is clearly no II after 'IACOB" The pattern is similar to a Charles II crown that I found, with similar heraldic symbols and crossed "C"s.
Any help in identifying this coin would be greatly appreciated.
The portrait is facing left - Other portraits of James I face right. The beaded collar seems to resemble James I portraits.
"IACOB" is on the reverse. It is spelled "IACOBUS" on all the other coins I've seen. There is clearly no II after 'IACOB" The pattern is similar to a Charles II crown that I found, with similar heraldic symbols and crossed "C"s.
Any help in identifying this coin would be greatly appreciated.