Detectoritis! And most of us in the hobby will suffer from it to from time to time. I ain't bragging or complaining, but I've been bitten by that bug on more occassions than I care to remember.

(however, my wife apparently keeps closer track!)
For what it is worth, and having used most of the FBS detectors, I have reached several conclusions....... 1. there isn't one detector that will do everything perfectly. They all have "trade-offs" 2. as I've gotten older, my preferences (for what a detector is capable of doing) have evolved. 3. knowing and understanding the potential of your detector is more important that simply having a different detector with a boatload of features that might not apply to your style of hunting. 4. Your job is to find a detector that fits your needs and your pocketbook, and practice - practice - practice.
With all that said, let me tell you why I chose to use the X-Terra more than the Explorer (or others in the FBS series). As many have pointed out, the X-Terra has a more forgiving sweep speed. You can effectively hunt fast or slow, with good results. The amount of information being processed by the Explorer requires a slower sweep speed. With my hunting habits, good targets are more easily masked using the Explorer than with the X-Terra. I like the weight and balance of the X-Terra. The Explorer doesn't weigh that much more. But the fact that the Explorer takes a slower sweep speed to "guide the coil", opposed to "swinging" the coil of the X-Terra, fatigue can become a factor in a relatively short amount of time. In my case, I can use the Explorer for an hour or so and I am shot. I can use the X-Terra for the better part of a day and never take a break. To give a (probably poor) example, hold a brick in your hand and swing it by your side for a few minutes. Not a big deal. Now, hold that same brick out in front of you, at arms length, and notice the difference. That is how using the Explorer feels to me. Too much pressure on the shoulders and neck muscles. But again, my physical circumstances may differ from others.
If I were a young man again, and had the cash to buy one, I'd probably have to buy another Explorer or an Etrac. They both will provide more target ID than any other series of detectors available. If you can sweep them slow and "work" that coil, they will pull deep targets out of nasty-trashy areas better than anything else available. But for the type of sites I hunt and my style of huning, the weight, balance, functionality, sweep speed and the information provided by my X-Terras are all I feel I need at this time. JMHO HH Randy