for Me at least ... I inherited my Moms never met
a stranger gift ... I went to the Insurance co today
gas station and groceries ..the 2 main topics are
the Steelers ( 28-13 PIttsburgh) and the weather..
Every time we talked weather i worked
into the conv.. that i wished the ground would
thaw soon so i could get out ... I got 3 different
leads/references that im going to follow up on
Yesterday my dogs Vet told me to call her neighbor
her property out in the country
I guess havin a big mouth DOES pay off sometime!!!!
PS Punxsuwtany Phil says early spring!!!
Lets hope the pampered rodent is right!!!!
Rangers Lead The Way

a stranger gift ... I went to the Insurance co today
gas station and groceries ..the 2 main topics are
the Steelers ( 28-13 PIttsburgh) and the weather..
Every time we talked weather i worked

into the conv.. that i wished the ground would
thaw soon so i could get out ... I got 3 different
leads/references that im going to follow up on
Yesterday my dogs Vet told me to call her neighbor

I guess havin a big mouth DOES pay off sometime!!!!
PS Punxsuwtany Phil says early spring!!!
Lets hope the pampered rodent is right!!!!
Rangers Lead The Way