Yesterday I rode up to the Park and Rec equipment building to talk to Benny, one of the P&R guys. No one was there so I got the A.&.S Baron with the small coil out and made a few swings with it in the graveled area where they park. I found a few pennies right off and then got a signal that was the oddest audio response I've heard from any detector. The closest I can come to describing the signal the A.&.S gave in disc mode is that it started with a weak, odd sounding high tone that turned into kind of a mixed high/low tone gurgle. Pinpoint all metal mode nulled, then gave what I can best describe as an abrupt sounding screech as the coil was moved away. A couple of inches down I found what gave the signal, but except for some discoloration on one end it looked just like the other gravel. Checked it with the Golden