So I've been detecting for quite some time, but never got really serious until a few years ago. I have found my fair share of 1900's coins and even a 1700's coin, but for the longest time have not been able to find a 1800's coin. Well I got an E-trac just a couple weeks ago and finally the spell is over! I can't say enough about this machine.
I met up with a buddy today at the Park by my dads where I found a 1774 Spanish reale a few months ago with an Eagle Spectrum. This park was only built in the 70's, but used to be farm land. I have talked to some detectorists that say they have been over that area for years and haven't really found much (whether to believe it or not). I even told my girlfriend when leaving today that I probably wasn't going to find anything. Well this park is pretty big and now I know not to underestimate it. I was just walking along an open area and I previously dug a square nail at 12 inches a few minutes before and lo and behold I got a nice sounding signal, but wasn't sure if it would be a coin or not, dug down to about 6 inches and saw the target, pulled it out and saw the picture that could only mean it was seated coin! An 1876 seated dime to be CC mint mark though, but definitely can't complain. I was pretty shocked and really excited to find it. It's definitely a spot I'm going to go back to time and time again. It's in pretty nice shape too..the back is worn a little, but the front is awesome. Enjoy the pics!
I met up with a buddy today at the Park by my dads where I found a 1774 Spanish reale a few months ago with an Eagle Spectrum. This park was only built in the 70's, but used to be farm land. I have talked to some detectorists that say they have been over that area for years and haven't really found much (whether to believe it or not). I even told my girlfriend when leaving today that I probably wasn't going to find anything. Well this park is pretty big and now I know not to underestimate it. I was just walking along an open area and I previously dug a square nail at 12 inches a few minutes before and lo and behold I got a nice sounding signal, but wasn't sure if it would be a coin or not, dug down to about 6 inches and saw the target, pulled it out and saw the picture that could only mean it was seated coin! An 1876 seated dime to be CC mint mark though, but definitely can't complain. I was pretty shocked and really excited to find it. It's definitely a spot I'm going to go back to time and time again. It's in pretty nice shape too..the back is worn a little, but the front is awesome. Enjoy the pics!