Rain, rain, go away; let me metal detect today. Between the 3.5 inches this week from thunderstorms and the non-stop rain here in upstate NY for the last 24 hours, not much detecting has been done. I managed an hour yesterday in the light rain at a nearby church yard. This thing rang up as 84-86 with a smooth tone. Hmm, quarter me thinks. Pulled it out of the plug, and still thought quarter. It wasn't until I got home that realized it was an all copper coin. After some hot peroxide and 0000 steel wool (yes, I know, but it is practically worthless and I wanted to see details), I saw that it was a two cent piece. Neat! The date is X86X. In addition to a couple of very old Wheaties, I managed to pull a 1964 Rosie.
HOWEVER, Rain, rain, go away; let me metal detect today.
HOWEVER, Rain, rain, go away; let me metal detect today.