Pete in MI
New member
others who enjoy the snow.
Tip Up Town - a big event up here each year centering on fishing through the ice - was lacking one major thing and that is ice and also snow. Other events like skiing and snowman building required the white stuff. Maybe that will be a happening event if it stays cold and we get more white stuff.
The snow and cold does keep one from detecting in the ground though til spring thaw. Good time for researching for hunting locations when the snow is gone and the ground is thawed.
Tip Up Town - a big event up here each year centering on fishing through the ice - was lacking one major thing and that is ice and also snow. Other events like skiing and snowman building required the white stuff. Maybe that will be a happening event if it stays cold and we get more white stuff.
The snow and cold does keep one from detecting in the ground though til spring thaw. Good time for researching for hunting locations when the snow is gone and the ground is thawed.