but I'm back, baby! I have managed a few short hunts recently, but had no desire to photograph or post them. Today I woke up with no strong desire to detect but I was also extremely bored and the weather was OK. Around 45-50F, which is the best treasure hunting temps in my book. I really love being outside in the Fall! Anyway, I had to do something with the day, so I took a drive to my favorite site. This was my last visit there in 2010, I'll bet. First two hours yielded loads of clad. I had set a self imposed a time limit of 2 1/2 hours on myself and figured I'd finish out the day where I was, rather than trying out someplace else. (Good move, Chris.) Right after my little break I found the 1957 quarter. Also wheats began to pop out of the ground. Five total, 1916, 1925, 1924, 1942, 1946. I hung around in that area and right as I was prepared to call it a day the Barber dime showed it's face. 1912S. Very nice! I just went over my notes and can't believe that is my first Barber dime with my 2500, BTW. I found a number of them with my Ace 250 3 or 4 years ago, and also a couple with my Tracker IV before it broke. I went half an hour over my time limit but found no more old coins. It was getting dark, and cold, so I packed it in.
A few detecting related thoughts I had today. I've been busy with other things and sort of fell out of the habit of visiting here. This is my first post in three weeks. (Maybe two.) I'll try to catch up with all of your finds and posts tomorrow or Monday. 2010 has shaped up as a very good treasure hunting year for me. I'm still honing my skills and finding more better and older targets even though my overall coin totals are way down from 2008 and 2009. I just updated my spreadsheet and I'm shocked to see that I have yet to find a half dollar of any kind in 2010. Finally. When I was stuck home with my bad back, I did some writing and LT Magazine bought another article which I was told will be in the January 2011 issue. I wrote three articles that week. One how too, and two coin related. The editor selected one about Lincoln Pennies which I thought was the worst of the three. I am, however, extremely pleased! I hope a few of you will find it a fun read. She further told me she was considering my coin shooting themed article for a later issue.
A few detecting related thoughts I had today. I've been busy with other things and sort of fell out of the habit of visiting here. This is my first post in three weeks. (Maybe two.) I'll try to catch up with all of your finds and posts tomorrow or Monday. 2010 has shaped up as a very good treasure hunting year for me. I'm still honing my skills and finding more better and older targets even though my overall coin totals are way down from 2008 and 2009. I just updated my spreadsheet and I'm shocked to see that I have yet to find a half dollar of any kind in 2010. Finally. When I was stuck home with my bad back, I did some writing and LT Magazine bought another article which I was told will be in the January 2011 issue. I wrote three articles that week. One how too, and two coin related. The editor selected one about Lincoln Pennies which I thought was the worst of the three. I am, however, extremely pleased! I hope a few of you will find it a fun read. She further told me she was considering my coin shooting themed article for a later issue.