Well its been nearly 4 months since my son was born and finally I got some time to head out yesterday afternoon for about an hour and a half. Now I don't normally show the junk I find but this time I added it to the picture. I use the stock coil for coin shooting but just wanted to get out the door so it was the elliptical coil I ended up with. Last time I used the 70 was in winter on a local gold field so the elliptical coil has been on since then. As you can see I found $21.60c and was pretty happy with that. For the first hour I had only found 55c and was beginning to wonder if I had lost my touch or if someone else had beaten me to the area but in the last 30 Min's I was on fire and managed to pick up the rest of the coin. I tell you what I really did forget how much fun this hobby really is and reading all the posts on here got the juices goin again so thanks to everyone. PS (Something that got me a few times was the numbe 34 which usually is junk but on two occassions I dug up $1 coins so I will be looking into this some more next time.............. I will be digging up 34s from now on I guess.)