Haven't been able to get out for the past two months, due to heat here (100+ almost everyday) and health, but I was able to slip out this morning before daylight for a few minutes, and was happy I did. I didn't find anything of great value, but it beats sitting/laying around in the house all day! Just as the sun was about to come up my X-TERRA 705 gave me a solid TID 46. I pinpointed the exact location and cut a plug, when I pulled it out of the hole, 3" down was a stainless steel watch band! I carefully uncovered the rest of it and after cleaning it off a little, I discovered it was a stainless steel Nate Fossil watch. When I got home and cleaned it up, I found a model number and called the manufacture in Texas. The lady told me the watch had been made in 2012, and it was valued at $125, a nice little surprise! I also found some clad and silver Hot Wheels Corvette car, this was a great little hunt and I got my MD "fix." When I got home, my dear wife was patiently waiting for my return, as I just got out of the hospital yesterday.