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----------------------------I Guess From What I Read NOW It Is DEAD-0--Boy I Sure Hope So It Would Break My Bank Account---BUT I Bet It Will Be Brought Up Again With LOWER Taxes---If It Ever Passes Even If The Tax Is Only $5 It Will Be Raised From There------------------------------------------There Just Trying It Here Because Of All The Tree Huggers On The West Coast--If It Passes Here It Will Head To Every Other State
There is a bill (tax) being proposed by the Democrats that will be based upon the size of the engine in your automobile. It will be a fee charged every year added to your registration fees. Hope someone with some sense steps in to stop the insanity.
The typical 2008 Tundra owner would be charged $325 a year.EXTRA
BednarzBlogSpot: Democrat Eco-Commies in Olympia and D.C. Must be stopped!BednarzBlogSpot
Just another corner of the world wide web to hopefully enlighten, inform, provoke thought and pass some time in.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Democrat Eco-Commies in Olympia and D.C. Must be stopped!
A bill that is making it's way through the Legislature in Washington State was brought to my attention by a Republican friend today, it is Senate Bill 6900. This bill is best described as the "Engine Displacement/Carbon Emissions Fee" Bill.
The Democrats proposing this bill would add two fee's for your vehicle license renewal costs. First would be the "Engine Displacement Fee" that would add a new fee annually for the average car of $225 to a high of $600 for a full-size light truck or SUV. Vehicles under 1.9L or that are rubber-band powered are exempt. Woooohooo I guess I will be keeping my VW Jetta Diesel's 1.9Liter a lot longer! Funds would go toward transportation funding only... gee whiz how nice of them to keep it specific huh? This bill will go into effect and fees will start to be collected on January 1, 2009... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
But wait... the best is yet to come, you see they think that you may still want to drive a car or truck and they haven't even addressed the damage you are doing to the environment. So they have the solution to save the planet... at your expense also in this bill. Starting just three years later on January 20, 2012 -the bill adds the "Carbon Emissions Grams (Co2) per Mile Fee" that would also be added annually to your vehicle license renewal fee's in addition to the "Engine Displacement Fee's" enacted in 2009. How much is that you may ask? Oh I am so glad you did. They want to add for the average car's C02 emission and "carbon footprint per mile" a fee of $225 to a high of $600 for your Light Truck or SUV. Now these funds would not even be devoted to those that generate the fee's benefit to say mitigate congestion or improve Highway safety. No, no nothing like that- the dough goes to the "Multimodal transportation" account. I guess thats Eco-Commie speak for mass transit or bicycle lanes; Multimodal isn't a word, but hey these are cutting-edge concepts and solutions they are dealing with here and they have to create some new lingo and words to go with it. Besides it's obvious that these liberal elitists couldn't expect us to challenge their Scrabble words or dazzling urbanite intellect.
Bottom Line: $225 to 600 additional license fee each year based on your "Engine Displacement Fee" and the $225 to 600 per year for your "Carbon Emission Grams per mile Fee" mean an average of between $550 to $1200 per year PER VEHICLE when both fee's are in effect three years from now.
Another troubling aspect with this crazy new bill/tax/fee/rip-off is that we have told them countless times that we aren't paying exorbitant license fee's any more. We have voted and set them at $30, they keep pushing the envelope by challenging our will in the State Supreme Court, or by making you buy "new" plates for $20 bucks every couple of years that cost an inmate $2 bucks to pound out in prison; forcing you to replace perfectly good plates on your car. I am just waiting for the $10 plate disposal fee to go into effect any time now. They just won't take no for an answer. They don't listen, the WON'T listen. Fire them all.
We have to flush them all down the toilet next November, we must clean house, the Governor, the State House, and the State Senate. Get rid of the tax and spend and tax some more eco-commies. We also have to keep Obama or Hillary, and the rest of the National Dem's from getting a grip on the reigns of our nation. Surely, these types of policies and priorities are going to be implemented as promised by Hillary or Obama. With the National Legislative and Executive branch unified under the Democrat party, our national course would be exactly like the one we have endured in Washington State since 2004 with the Super-Majority in the House and Senate and a Governor that signs any tax, fee, or new program and spending bill put under her pen.
I can't stress enough how critical it is to elect Dino Rossi Governor along with Republican candidates for the Washington State House and Senate seats. This super-majority of Democrats with Queen Christine are out of control, they spend like drunken sailors (no offense to our Navy members). They are taxing anything and everything they can to satiate their idiotic agenda.
In the mean-time, send this email to everyone you know. We must call, write, and email our Representatives and stop this COLD in committee. This link will help you find your legislative district and help you to contact your Rep. or Senator. Forward this email to everyone you know and stop this bill. We must then punish them for this arrogant elitist insanity and save ourselves from their abuse and confiscation of our hard-earned treasure and toil. I am fed up! These idiots must be removed.
I am copying and pasting the full text for the proposed bill and it's sections below verbatim.
S-4908.1 _____________________________________________
State of Washington 60th Legislature 2008 Regular Session
By Senators Tom, Kohl-Welles, Pridemore, Keiser, and Kline
Read first time 02/01/08. Referred to Committee on Water, Energy &
1 AN ACT Relating to establishing vehicle engine displacement and
2 emissions fees; adding new sections to chapter 46.17 RCW; providing
3 effective dates; and providing an expiration date.
5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 46.17 RCW
6 to read as follows:
7 (1) A vehicle engine displacement fee must be paid and collected
8 annually for motor vehicles subject to the fee under RCW 46.16.0621,
9 except motor homes. The amount of the fee must be based upon the
10 vehicle engine size in liters, which is correlated with vehicle size
11 and vehicle emissions. The fee imposed under this section must be used
12 for transportation purposes, and may not be used for the general
13 support of state government. The vehicle engine displacement fee is
14 that portion of the fee, as reflected on the engine size in liters set
15 forth in the schedule provided in this section, that is in excess of
16 the fees imposed under RCW 46.16.0621 and 46.17.010. For vehicles
17 registered on or after January 1, 2009, the vehicle engine displacement
18 fee under this section is due at the time of initial vehicle
19 registration and any subsequent renewal of vehicle registration.
p. 1 SB 6900
1 Engine Size (liters) Rate Schedule
2 Up to 1.9 $0
3 2.0 - 2.9 $70
4 3.0 - 3.9 $225
5 4.0 - 4.9 $275
6 5.0 - 5.9 $325
7 6.0 - 7.9 $400
8 8.0 or over $600
9 (2) For the purpose of administering this section, the department
10 shall rely on the vehicle engine size in liters as provided by vehicle
11 manufacturers, or other sources defined by the department, to determine
12 the engine size in liters of each vehicle. The department shall adopt
13 rules for determining engine size in liters for vehicles that do not
14 have a manufacturer-provided engine size in liters.
15 (3) The vehicle engine displacement fee under this section is
16 imposed to provide funds to mitigate the impact of vehicle loads on the
17 state roads and highways, as well as encourage the reduction of vehicle
18 emissions and is separate and distinct from other vehicle license fees.
19 (4) The vehicle engine displacement fee collected under this
20 section must be deposited into the multimodal transportation account.
21 NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 46.17 RCW
22 to read as follows:
23 (1) A vehicle emissions fee must be paid and collected annually for
24 motor vehicles subject to the fee under RCW 46.16.0621, except motor
25 homes. The amount of the fee must be based upon the grams of carbon
26 dioxide (CO2) emission per mile. Fees imposed under this section must
27 be used for transportation purposes, and may not be used for the
28 general support of state government. The vehicle emissions fee is that
29 portion of the fee, as reflected on the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2)
30 emission per mile set forth in the schedule provided in this section,
31 that is in excess of the fees imposed under RCW 46.16.0621 and
SB 6900 p. 2
1 46.17.010. On or after January 1, 2012, the vehicle emissions fee
2 under this section is due at the time of initial vehicle registration
3 and any subsequent renewal of vehicle registration.
4 CO2 Emissions (grams/mile) Rate Schedule
5 Up to 161 $0
6 162 - 193 $70
7 194 - 241 $225
8 242 - 266 $275
9 267 - 298 $325
10 299 - 362 $400
11 Over 362 $600
12 (2) For the purpose of administering this section, the department
13 shall rely on the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per mile as
14 provided by vehicle manufacturers, or other sources defined by the
15 department, to determine the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per
16 mile of each vehicle. The department shall adopt rules for determining
17 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per mile for vehicles without
18 manufacturer-provided information on grams of carbon dioxide (CO2)
19 emission per mile.
20 (3) The vehicle emissions fee under this section is imposed to
21 provide funds to mitigate the impact of vehicle loads on the state
22 roads and highways, as well as encourage the reduction of vehicle
23 emissions and is separate and distinct from other vehicle license fees.
24 (4) The vehicle emissions fee collected under this section must be
25 deposited into the multimodal transportation account.
26 NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. Section 1 of this act takes effect January
27 1, 2009.
28 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Section 2 of this act takes effect January
29 1, 2012.
30 NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. Section 1 of this act expires January 1,
p. 3 SB 6900
1 2012.
--- END ---
SB 6900 p. 4
Posted by Michael R. Bednarz at 9:13 PM
Labels: Bednarzblogspot, Democrats, Dino Rossi, Eco-Commies, Liberals, Olympia, SB6900, Taxes, Washington State Democrats Gregoire Rossi Earmarks Seattle Times Spending Republicans Taxes Legislature Governor
Anonymous said...
Oh come on. That bill didn't even make it past being written down. It was just to keep people on their toes. Yea, it's crazy, but so is $3.50/gal gas, and the Republicans haven't solved that one yet.
February 22, 2008 1:26 PM
Michael R. Bednarz said...
UPDATE: I have gotten a lot of feedback and emails from folks telling me they contacted their Senators and Representatives who have been assuring them the bill "never made it through" or "it is dead, and was dead on arrival" and so forth. I know they have taken a lot of heat on this and most are probably truly opposed. I had to point out to my own Rep. that because this bill generates revenue it is NOT and NEVER could be considered dead. It can be attached to any budget bill and is not subjected to the Feb 12th cutoff for bills to get out of committee. My own Representative started yelling at me "it's dead, it's dead" "it was never in committee" etc. on the phone. He got very quiet when he learned about these rules from me. (He also didn't like being yelled back at). Here is the copy from a letter to a constituent by Senator Val Stevens, Republican, 39th Legislative Dist. that explains this.......
Thank you for writing to me with your concerns about Senate Bill 6900, a
measure that would impose new fees on vehicles based on engine size and
CO2 emissions. The sponsors of this legislation are Democrat Senators:
Rodney Tom, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Craig Pridemore, Karen Keiser and Adam
Kline. I share your concerns and believe this measure is misguided.
Both of the fees in this legislation are earmarked for transportation
purposes. None of the revenue is earmarked for air quality mitigation.
While it is true that large vehicles get fewer miles per gallon than
small vehicles, it doesn't necessarily follow that large vehicles emit
more C02. The miles traveled by a vehicle and how well an engine is
maintained are better indicators of emissions, but size is the easy
At this time, SB 6900 is still in the Senate Transportation Committee.
However, it can be connected to the supplemental transportation budget
as a source of revenue. Therefore, the measure is still alive and was
not subject to the February 12 cutoff for bills to get out of committee.
It appears to me that SB 6900 will do little to improve air quality, but
it will make it considerably more expensive for some citizens to own the
vehicle that best fits their needs.
Senator Val Stevens
39th Legislative District
So, please remind your Senators and Legislators that they need to be vigilant to any attempts to have this attached to any Budget bill as an amendment, as it is ALIVE to the end of the session, or through the special session, if convened. This bill can also be re-introduced next year.
February 22, 2008 9:30 PM
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Michael R. Bednarz
Port Townsend, WA, United States
Political Junkie. Computer Geek.
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The Democratic Party is no more; they are unfit f...
No satiating Gregoire's hunger for new taxes and ...
Fred Dalton Thompson for President '08
Michael Yon : Online Magazine
Defence Daily Update - 26 February 2008
Bright Idea
There is a bill (tax) being proposed by the Democrats that will be based upon the size of the engine in your automobile. It will be a fee charged every year added to your registration fees. Hope someone with some sense steps in to stop the insanity.
The typical 2008 Tundra owner would be charged $325 a year.EXTRA
BednarzBlogSpot: Democrat Eco-Commies in Olympia and D.C. Must be stopped!BednarzBlogSpot
Just another corner of the world wide web to hopefully enlighten, inform, provoke thought and pass some time in.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Democrat Eco-Commies in Olympia and D.C. Must be stopped!
A bill that is making it's way through the Legislature in Washington State was brought to my attention by a Republican friend today, it is Senate Bill 6900. This bill is best described as the "Engine Displacement/Carbon Emissions Fee" Bill.
The Democrats proposing this bill would add two fee's for your vehicle license renewal costs. First would be the "Engine Displacement Fee" that would add a new fee annually for the average car of $225 to a high of $600 for a full-size light truck or SUV. Vehicles under 1.9L or that are rubber-band powered are exempt. Woooohooo I guess I will be keeping my VW Jetta Diesel's 1.9Liter a lot longer! Funds would go toward transportation funding only... gee whiz how nice of them to keep it specific huh? This bill will go into effect and fees will start to be collected on January 1, 2009... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
But wait... the best is yet to come, you see they think that you may still want to drive a car or truck and they haven't even addressed the damage you are doing to the environment. So they have the solution to save the planet... at your expense also in this bill. Starting just three years later on January 20, 2012 -the bill adds the "Carbon Emissions Grams (Co2) per Mile Fee" that would also be added annually to your vehicle license renewal fee's in addition to the "Engine Displacement Fee's" enacted in 2009. How much is that you may ask? Oh I am so glad you did. They want to add for the average car's C02 emission and "carbon footprint per mile" a fee of $225 to a high of $600 for your Light Truck or SUV. Now these funds would not even be devoted to those that generate the fee's benefit to say mitigate congestion or improve Highway safety. No, no nothing like that- the dough goes to the "Multimodal transportation" account. I guess thats Eco-Commie speak for mass transit or bicycle lanes; Multimodal isn't a word, but hey these are cutting-edge concepts and solutions they are dealing with here and they have to create some new lingo and words to go with it. Besides it's obvious that these liberal elitists couldn't expect us to challenge their Scrabble words or dazzling urbanite intellect.
Bottom Line: $225 to 600 additional license fee each year based on your "Engine Displacement Fee" and the $225 to 600 per year for your "Carbon Emission Grams per mile Fee" mean an average of between $550 to $1200 per year PER VEHICLE when both fee's are in effect three years from now.
Another troubling aspect with this crazy new bill/tax/fee/rip-off is that we have told them countless times that we aren't paying exorbitant license fee's any more. We have voted and set them at $30, they keep pushing the envelope by challenging our will in the State Supreme Court, or by making you buy "new" plates for $20 bucks every couple of years that cost an inmate $2 bucks to pound out in prison; forcing you to replace perfectly good plates on your car. I am just waiting for the $10 plate disposal fee to go into effect any time now. They just won't take no for an answer. They don't listen, the WON'T listen. Fire them all.
We have to flush them all down the toilet next November, we must clean house, the Governor, the State House, and the State Senate. Get rid of the tax and spend and tax some more eco-commies. We also have to keep Obama or Hillary, and the rest of the National Dem's from getting a grip on the reigns of our nation. Surely, these types of policies and priorities are going to be implemented as promised by Hillary or Obama. With the National Legislative and Executive branch unified under the Democrat party, our national course would be exactly like the one we have endured in Washington State since 2004 with the Super-Majority in the House and Senate and a Governor that signs any tax, fee, or new program and spending bill put under her pen.
I can't stress enough how critical it is to elect Dino Rossi Governor along with Republican candidates for the Washington State House and Senate seats. This super-majority of Democrats with Queen Christine are out of control, they spend like drunken sailors (no offense to our Navy members). They are taxing anything and everything they can to satiate their idiotic agenda.
In the mean-time, send this email to everyone you know. We must call, write, and email our Representatives and stop this COLD in committee. This link will help you find your legislative district and help you to contact your Rep. or Senator. Forward this email to everyone you know and stop this bill. We must then punish them for this arrogant elitist insanity and save ourselves from their abuse and confiscation of our hard-earned treasure and toil. I am fed up! These idiots must be removed.
I am copying and pasting the full text for the proposed bill and it's sections below verbatim.
S-4908.1 _____________________________________________
State of Washington 60th Legislature 2008 Regular Session
By Senators Tom, Kohl-Welles, Pridemore, Keiser, and Kline
Read first time 02/01/08. Referred to Committee on Water, Energy &
1 AN ACT Relating to establishing vehicle engine displacement and
2 emissions fees; adding new sections to chapter 46.17 RCW; providing
3 effective dates; and providing an expiration date.
5 NEW SECTION. Sec. 1. A new section is added to chapter 46.17 RCW
6 to read as follows:
7 (1) A vehicle engine displacement fee must be paid and collected
8 annually for motor vehicles subject to the fee under RCW 46.16.0621,
9 except motor homes. The amount of the fee must be based upon the
10 vehicle engine size in liters, which is correlated with vehicle size
11 and vehicle emissions. The fee imposed under this section must be used
12 for transportation purposes, and may not be used for the general
13 support of state government. The vehicle engine displacement fee is
14 that portion of the fee, as reflected on the engine size in liters set
15 forth in the schedule provided in this section, that is in excess of
16 the fees imposed under RCW 46.16.0621 and 46.17.010. For vehicles
17 registered on or after January 1, 2009, the vehicle engine displacement
18 fee under this section is due at the time of initial vehicle
19 registration and any subsequent renewal of vehicle registration.
p. 1 SB 6900
1 Engine Size (liters) Rate Schedule
2 Up to 1.9 $0
3 2.0 - 2.9 $70
4 3.0 - 3.9 $225
5 4.0 - 4.9 $275
6 5.0 - 5.9 $325
7 6.0 - 7.9 $400
8 8.0 or over $600
9 (2) For the purpose of administering this section, the department
10 shall rely on the vehicle engine size in liters as provided by vehicle
11 manufacturers, or other sources defined by the department, to determine
12 the engine size in liters of each vehicle. The department shall adopt
13 rules for determining engine size in liters for vehicles that do not
14 have a manufacturer-provided engine size in liters.
15 (3) The vehicle engine displacement fee under this section is
16 imposed to provide funds to mitigate the impact of vehicle loads on the
17 state roads and highways, as well as encourage the reduction of vehicle
18 emissions and is separate and distinct from other vehicle license fees.
19 (4) The vehicle engine displacement fee collected under this
20 section must be deposited into the multimodal transportation account.
21 NEW SECTION. Sec. 2. A new section is added to chapter 46.17 RCW
22 to read as follows:
23 (1) A vehicle emissions fee must be paid and collected annually for
24 motor vehicles subject to the fee under RCW 46.16.0621, except motor
25 homes. The amount of the fee must be based upon the grams of carbon
26 dioxide (CO2) emission per mile. Fees imposed under this section must
27 be used for transportation purposes, and may not be used for the
28 general support of state government. The vehicle emissions fee is that
29 portion of the fee, as reflected on the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2)
30 emission per mile set forth in the schedule provided in this section,
31 that is in excess of the fees imposed under RCW 46.16.0621 and
SB 6900 p. 2
1 46.17.010. On or after January 1, 2012, the vehicle emissions fee
2 under this section is due at the time of initial vehicle registration
3 and any subsequent renewal of vehicle registration.
4 CO2 Emissions (grams/mile) Rate Schedule
5 Up to 161 $0
6 162 - 193 $70
7 194 - 241 $225
8 242 - 266 $275
9 267 - 298 $325
10 299 - 362 $400
11 Over 362 $600
12 (2) For the purpose of administering this section, the department
13 shall rely on the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per mile as
14 provided by vehicle manufacturers, or other sources defined by the
15 department, to determine the grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per
16 mile of each vehicle. The department shall adopt rules for determining
17 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission per mile for vehicles without
18 manufacturer-provided information on grams of carbon dioxide (CO2)
19 emission per mile.
20 (3) The vehicle emissions fee under this section is imposed to
21 provide funds to mitigate the impact of vehicle loads on the state
22 roads and highways, as well as encourage the reduction of vehicle
23 emissions and is separate and distinct from other vehicle license fees.
24 (4) The vehicle emissions fee collected under this section must be
25 deposited into the multimodal transportation account.
26 NEW SECTION. Sec. 3. Section 1 of this act takes effect January
27 1, 2009.
28 NEW SECTION. Sec. 4. Section 2 of this act takes effect January
29 1, 2012.
30 NEW SECTION. Sec. 5. Section 1 of this act expires January 1,
p. 3 SB 6900
1 2012.
--- END ---
SB 6900 p. 4
Posted by Michael R. Bednarz at 9:13 PM
Labels: Bednarzblogspot, Democrats, Dino Rossi, Eco-Commies, Liberals, Olympia, SB6900, Taxes, Washington State Democrats Gregoire Rossi Earmarks Seattle Times Spending Republicans Taxes Legislature Governor
Anonymous said...
Oh come on. That bill didn't even make it past being written down. It was just to keep people on their toes. Yea, it's crazy, but so is $3.50/gal gas, and the Republicans haven't solved that one yet.
February 22, 2008 1:26 PM
Michael R. Bednarz said...
UPDATE: I have gotten a lot of feedback and emails from folks telling me they contacted their Senators and Representatives who have been assuring them the bill "never made it through" or "it is dead, and was dead on arrival" and so forth. I know they have taken a lot of heat on this and most are probably truly opposed. I had to point out to my own Rep. that because this bill generates revenue it is NOT and NEVER could be considered dead. It can be attached to any budget bill and is not subjected to the Feb 12th cutoff for bills to get out of committee. My own Representative started yelling at me "it's dead, it's dead" "it was never in committee" etc. on the phone. He got very quiet when he learned about these rules from me. (He also didn't like being yelled back at). Here is the copy from a letter to a constituent by Senator Val Stevens, Republican, 39th Legislative Dist. that explains this.......
Thank you for writing to me with your concerns about Senate Bill 6900, a
measure that would impose new fees on vehicles based on engine size and
CO2 emissions. The sponsors of this legislation are Democrat Senators:
Rodney Tom, Jeanne Kohl-Welles, Craig Pridemore, Karen Keiser and Adam
Kline. I share your concerns and believe this measure is misguided.
Both of the fees in this legislation are earmarked for transportation
purposes. None of the revenue is earmarked for air quality mitigation.
While it is true that large vehicles get fewer miles per gallon than
small vehicles, it doesn't necessarily follow that large vehicles emit
more C02. The miles traveled by a vehicle and how well an engine is
maintained are better indicators of emissions, but size is the easy
At this time, SB 6900 is still in the Senate Transportation Committee.
However, it can be connected to the supplemental transportation budget
as a source of revenue. Therefore, the measure is still alive and was
not subject to the February 12 cutoff for bills to get out of committee.
It appears to me that SB 6900 will do little to improve air quality, but
it will make it considerably more expensive for some citizens to own the
vehicle that best fits their needs.
Senator Val Stevens
39th Legislative District
So, please remind your Senators and Legislators that they need to be vigilant to any attempts to have this attached to any Budget bill as an amendment, as it is ALIVE to the end of the session, or through the special session, if convened. This bill can also be re-introduced next year.
February 22, 2008 9:30 PM
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The Blogger
Michael R. Bednarz
Port Townsend, WA, United States
Political Junkie. Computer Geek.
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"Thanks and Praise" from Baghdad captured by Micha...
Iraqi Islamic Party says, "Al Qaeda of Iraq is Def...
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Rush Limbaugh will One-Up them every time.
Roberta Katherine (Bobbie) Bednarz- January 22nd, ...
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Washington State Democrats Carte Blanche' Earmark...
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The Democrat Party's Insurgency against America
Bless the Beasts and Children
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R.I.P. Amnesty Bill... Now lets get busy and do i...
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Honor our Heroes on Armed Forces Day May 19th and ...
Fred Thompson wins Washington State GOP Straw Poll...
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This week's dichotomy: Defeatist Liberals vs. Reag...
KFC Hillary Special
Peolsi, Dem leaders travel to Syria in Diplomatic ...
► March (3)
The Democratic Party is no more; they are unfit f...
No satiating Gregoire's hunger for new taxes and ...
Fred Dalton Thompson for President '08
Michael Yon : Online Magazine
Defence Daily Update - 26 February 2008
Bright Idea