70 years ago, on November, 14th, 1939, 3rd extraordinary session of Supreme body БССР has passed the law "About inclusion of the Western Belarus in structure BSSR", having finished process of reunion of edge. Historical justice of this event is represented today indisputable. However the further, the it becomes clearer, what monstrous price was paid for it in what not by guilty people - inhabitants "кресов всходних".
By some calculations, as a result of reunion in молох reprisals has got more than 130 thousand inhabitants of the Western Belarus from which about 30 thousand it has been shot. However it only iceberg top.
The lieutenant colonel of a stock Alexander Tatarenko from Baranovichi on particles collected five years a material for the book "Unlawful memory: the Western Belarus in documents and the facts, 1921-1954" (2006) which became the present sensation, but did not leave till now in serious circulation. Now the historian investigating regional archives in which to it nobody was, works over the new book. In the centre of its attention - a policy of the Soviet power in territory were "кресов всходних" during the intermilitary period.
The decision of a housing question on-stalinski
- Planning war in Europe, Stalin did not think to erect habitation to functionaries of party and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, in large quantities flooded the "released" territories. The permission of housing problems within the limits of the plan saw unequivocally: to take away it at released from "the Polish yoke", - Alexander Tatarenko tells. - the Baranovichsky regional executive committee and its structures - financial department, housing management, regional bureau of inventory became the Body which is responsible for creation of available housing. Since December 1939 executive committee has started to stamp decisions of a repressive orientation. So, in 1940 46 sessions 1187 decisions became which consequence, 409 of them - about compulsory nationalisation of the property have taken place. For first half of 1941 the executive committee gathered 22 times, having disassembled 839 questions, 184 from which had a repressive shade.
Minsk scrupulously traced the processes occurring in area. Understanding that in places the Jewish population (for example, in Baranovichi Jews made over 45 thousand persons that twice blocked other population) dominated, the new power in many respects leant against Jewry - local and "восточников" which hastily here have sent. First, Jews have opposed to other national groups. Secondly, their hands resolved a room question and, as consequence, Jews got exhausted.
On June, 9th, 1940 from 17 departments of Baranovichsky regional executive committee 11th Jews supervised. Some departments, for example, formations, on 95 % have been completed by them. Jews became heads of the majority supervising, judicial, law-enforcement, financial and trading organisations of a regional and regional link also. And the similar picture was observed and in other western areas.
Fatal registration
- To summer of 1940 formation of fund of habitation has got so wide scope that has ripened a question of centralisation of a management of this process. In July the special body - the Commission of regional executive committee on carrying out муниципализации and nationalisation is established. Under its control nationalisation was carried out in most брутальной to the form. Thus following technologies were widely applied: a capture under protection of houses and apartments, the account, drawing up of lists of the houses which are subject to withdrawal, habitation measurement, registration of house owners, the prevention, consolidation, eviction and confiscation.
Under supervision of Bolsheviks has got approximately 10 thousand houses, apartments and manors.
To spring of 1940 on исполкомовском the account was registered about three thousand houses and apartments. The decision of regional executive committee from the December, 21st, 1939 became the basis for this purpose, demanding "till 25.10.1939 to spend inventory and the account of all thrown property in abeyance, stock, commodity-material assets in the thrown houses, apartments, warehouses, shops and manors and to enlist in the state income".
Above 113 sq. m. the local administration was engaged in measurement of houses by the area. All inhabitants of area of the power have obliged to be from January, 25th till February, 1st, 1940 in passport offices with national passports and documents on the residing right. In case of absence administrative measures - the penalty to 100 roubles were provided. Registration was the first step to the future tragedy.
"Consolidation" and eviction
- To provide with habitation of officials of an average link, "consolidation" was everywhere used. On this point in question it is accepted more than 300 statutory acts. The first - the decision of Presidium of regional executive committee from the December, 20th, 1939, resolving to district executive committees "to make consolidation of house owners in the houses belonging to nationalisation and муниципализации, and also to make consolidation in houses of the doctors occupying the superfluous space".
Here a vivid example of how "consolidation" was made out. On January, 24th, 1940 the regional executive committee has accepted the decision "to condense the house owner of the Wordly Samuila Davydovicha living in mountains. Baranovichi on street Komsomol № 5, stone two-storeyed, the size (length 15,8 on 11,9)" in which the Baranovichsky City Council was offered "to make consolidation of Wordly Samuila Davydovicha, it agree positions about a quadrature members of his family". "Our house measured and, according to municipality requirements, have come to a conclusion that it too big and it is possible to settle tenants to us. Soldiers of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs have searched the house, searching for that we could hide", - recollected Wordly.
The facts testify that consolidation was applied till June, 22nd, 1941.
In large quantities to move steels from the introduction of Red Army on territory of Poland - on September, 17th, 1939, on what specifies the regional executive committee report № 2 for December, 29th, 1939
According to the regional executive committee decision, on habitation clearing 10 days were given. However so was only on a paper. Among archival documents it is not revealed any list of the house owners who have received the notice on eviction as there are no also typical forms (notices) on eviction.
"In the opinion of tenants there were tears. Their sights ran on cold and self-satisfied persons of robbers, as though searching for possibility to remove the appeared suddenly trouble. But words" mercy "and" humanity "in a lexicon of the Soviet power did not appear. Having ordered to gather and having read a verdict about eviction, people, without being sorry neither 80-year-old old men, nor mothers with babies on hands, threw out, as dogs, on street", - one of eyewitnesses of an epoch recollected.
Only in one day - on December, 17th, 1940 - army of the homeless have filled up барановичские 770 house owners. By the summer 1941 regional fund of habitation (as a matter of fact, for the Soviet nomenclature) totaled habitation of 2635 apartments and houses.
I will notice that such scale evictions of people to a national and social sign and from economic reasons in deadlines according to plan were not carried out in one country of the world, except nazi Germany. Less than in a year Stalin's allies, nazis, will go on the approved way, having occupied in houses and the apartments nationalised by Bolsheviks in 1939-1941.
Jesuit methods
- There were many documentary illustrations of how, forming available housing, the Soviet power did not avoid even the most Jesuit methods.
For example, since 1940 of inhabitants of the Western Belarus involved for restoration of the destroyed roads. And it is frequent besides a labour duty people paid also repair work. So, on August, 13th, 1940 the manager Shchuchinsky райкомунхозом has written out "accounts гр. To ShChuchina Kaplan Itsku 1263 rbl. 52 copeck, гр. To Skubsky Jankelju - for the sum 343 rbl. 44 copeck, etc. to citizens on мощение streets and sidewalk packing".
About mass character of penal sanctions № 577 from June, 21st, 1940 "the decision of Baranovichsky regional executive committee testifies To the facts of infringement of a revolutionary legality in separate areas of area". From it follows that "a number of chairmen РИК roughly break a roar. Legality therefore taken out decisions РИК are especially wrong, as for example: the decision of Djatlovsky District executive committee for № 16 on motives" For sabotage in trade from outside of some dealers "- Kagana for 5000 rbl., Kobana for 5000 rbl., the Butler for 4000 rbl., Butinsky for 2000 rbl., Gertsovsky on 3500 руб" have fined Pushkin for 10 000 rbl. In this case it is a question of Vasilishkovsky area …
Already on September, 17th, 1939 Bolsheviks began to grasp houses and apartments of the Polish officials and well-founded citizens which have left them, being afraid for a life. When the best habitation has got "восточникам" the first wave, managers from local promoted workers, aspiring to catch desired metres, did not avoid to threaten on school buildings. Such facts had mass character. Only some examples:
The village Corners, the former elementary school (on 80 pupils) is used under apartments of officials. The decision was taken out by Country Committee;
д. Петровичи, were НШ (on 80 pupils) it is grasped under apartments autocratically;
Новогрудок, incomplete СШ № 5 (60 pupils) also it is autocratically adapted under apartments;
д. Small Stepanovichi of Moscow Tovsky area, НШ (30 pupils) local officials have autocratically adapted under the apartments.
One of ways изымания properties "Westerners" had "a voluntary" nationalisation, that is refusal of own property. So, for example, the regional executive committee decision № 1441 from November, 23rd, 1940 informs: "to Consider a soap factory transferred voluntary and gratuitously, it agree a written statement to gr th Shapiro from 28.9.-40. To district industrial complex".
Everywhere forgeries practised. Managers deliberately carried the attracted houses - even with owners - to the category of thriftless constructions. Studying of sources - lists about nationalisation, public prosecutor's protests and other documents - gives such picture: under lists to empty houses are carried more than 135 home ownerships, under complaints - 457, in many of which there lived people.
After occurrence of the regional commission on nationalisation lists of the house owners arriving for withdrawal, were corrected personally by the vice-president of regional executive committee Rafailom the Sergeant. The editing essence was reduced to one: earlier made decision on nationalisation was replaced with the formulation "муниципализировать". Any positive decision on return of habitation the commission working till June, 22nd, 1941, has not taken out.
Plunder the stolen!
- Thus officials, Red Army men, security officers and local residents took out from "заможных" houses everything that only it was possible to carry away. Money and family ornaments it is frequent there and then, on a place, divided and stuffed into the pockets. Did not disdain bed and underwear, ware and a foodstuff … the Rest settled in warehouses which were in conducting chairmen of the regional consumer unions. That with them was in a reality, it is visible
Дятлово and area - "the flour, groats, sugar, confectionery products, etc. were delivered to the house to workers of executive committees";
Ляховичи and area - "chairman Gorpo тов. Чушаков released vodka, etc. products on notes";
Zheludoksky area - "the property divided a local management among themselves";
Everywhere - that remains (has not deteriorated), "went to retail trade".
It is known that the account of movement of the foodstuffs was not conducted. The most part of supplies was plundered before receipt on a warehouse.
In warehouses values - gold, silver, brilliants, pictures were stored also, books … presence of two special commissions which made their estimation, since September of 1939 and March of 1941 Documentary proves to be true. The USSR should send the confiscated riches to Moscow in the order of Management of precious metals НКФ. However values, as well as property, were squandered and abducted. Till now it is not known how many, when and where have sent values from area territory per 1939-41.
In search of justice
- Complaints to the authorities and Office of Public Prosecutor on plunder of personal things, beating and wrong nationalisation are documentary traced by the beginning of 1940. In the majority applicants demanded decision cancellation about муниципализации and, of course, habitation return. So, from 156 complaints which have arrived in the beginning of 1940, 138 was individual, 18 - collective.
Applicants were whom? Owners of hotel - 19, shop - 12, bakeries - 4, sausage factory - 5, a handicraft workshop - 2, a sewing workshop - 1, brick-works - 2, warehouse - 8, garages - 2, drugstores with warehouse - 5, a medical institution - 1, steam mills - 3, power stations - 2 …
The national structure жалобщиков was the following: Poles - 12, Byelorussians - 9, Russian - 1, Jews - 281.
As appears from documents, the statement and complaints were not considered by officials. The families which have been thrown out on street, on the statements did not receive affirmative replies. Answers "жалобщикам" as them named in исполкомовских offices, were reduced, as a rule, to one: "the Decision on nationalisation (муниципализации) is taken out correctly".
87 % of victims - Jews
- Everything that it was possible to establish, gives the grounds to confirm: nationalisation was the form of the reprisals directed, first, on maintenance of the Soviet officials by habitation, secondly, elimination of the most well-founded part of the population, - Alexander Tatarenko concludes. - the Selective analysis of 167 decisions of regional executive committee about nationalisation (муниципализации) defines 3782 victims, the analysis of 150 statements and complaints to nationalisation cancellation - 350 more. Concerning national aspect, in the first case Jews have made 3658 persons, Poles - 151, Byelorussians - 28, Russian - 2, Tatars - 13. In the second: Jews - 328, Poles - 15, Byelorussians - 6.
Interesting data contains in the third group of documents - decisions about nationalisation cancellation. Applicants asked to cancel decisions of Time managements on nationalisation. However, to find these decisions it was not possible. Even if they are not present, the available testify that victims was much more. Being based on approximate arithmetic calculation, it is possible to speak about 8 thousand owners of the real estate which has become by hostages of a room question. To the aforesaid it is necessary to add that 87 % from total number are made by Jews, - утвержадет барановичский the historian.
- What became with people who have left without a roof over the head over a head and means of subsistence?
- They are not present among victims of political reprisals - among deported and condemned. As proprietors of habitation cannot be carried to large business or managers (in ill-fated those lists there were units), the power has prepared for them a fate which it is possible to guess only. While 1941 are content with the document, dated April. It is the official report of the officer of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs by which number of the Belarus Jews-prisoners of concentration camps - 58 852 persons is sounded. If it not they, arises a question: where have disappeared 10 thousand inhabitants of Baranovichsky area - Poles, Byelorussians, Russian, Jews and Tatars?
By some calculations, as a result of reunion in молох reprisals has got more than 130 thousand inhabitants of the Western Belarus from which about 30 thousand it has been shot. However it only iceberg top.
The lieutenant colonel of a stock Alexander Tatarenko from Baranovichi on particles collected five years a material for the book "Unlawful memory: the Western Belarus in documents and the facts, 1921-1954" (2006) which became the present sensation, but did not leave till now in serious circulation. Now the historian investigating regional archives in which to it nobody was, works over the new book. In the centre of its attention - a policy of the Soviet power in territory were "кресов всходних" during the intermilitary period.
The decision of a housing question on-stalinski
- Planning war in Europe, Stalin did not think to erect habitation to functionaries of party and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, in large quantities flooded the "released" territories. The permission of housing problems within the limits of the plan saw unequivocally: to take away it at released from "the Polish yoke", - Alexander Tatarenko tells. - the Baranovichsky regional executive committee and its structures - financial department, housing management, regional bureau of inventory became the Body which is responsible for creation of available housing. Since December 1939 executive committee has started to stamp decisions of a repressive orientation. So, in 1940 46 sessions 1187 decisions became which consequence, 409 of them - about compulsory nationalisation of the property have taken place. For first half of 1941 the executive committee gathered 22 times, having disassembled 839 questions, 184 from which had a repressive shade.
Minsk scrupulously traced the processes occurring in area. Understanding that in places the Jewish population (for example, in Baranovichi Jews made over 45 thousand persons that twice blocked other population) dominated, the new power in many respects leant against Jewry - local and "восточников" which hastily here have sent. First, Jews have opposed to other national groups. Secondly, their hands resolved a room question and, as consequence, Jews got exhausted.
On June, 9th, 1940 from 17 departments of Baranovichsky regional executive committee 11th Jews supervised. Some departments, for example, formations, on 95 % have been completed by them. Jews became heads of the majority supervising, judicial, law-enforcement, financial and trading organisations of a regional and regional link also. And the similar picture was observed and in other western areas.
Fatal registration
- To summer of 1940 formation of fund of habitation has got so wide scope that has ripened a question of centralisation of a management of this process. In July the special body - the Commission of regional executive committee on carrying out муниципализации and nationalisation is established. Under its control nationalisation was carried out in most брутальной to the form. Thus following technologies were widely applied: a capture under protection of houses and apartments, the account, drawing up of lists of the houses which are subject to withdrawal, habitation measurement, registration of house owners, the prevention, consolidation, eviction and confiscation.
Under supervision of Bolsheviks has got approximately 10 thousand houses, apartments and manors.
To spring of 1940 on исполкомовском the account was registered about three thousand houses and apartments. The decision of regional executive committee from the December, 21st, 1939 became the basis for this purpose, demanding "till 25.10.1939 to spend inventory and the account of all thrown property in abeyance, stock, commodity-material assets in the thrown houses, apartments, warehouses, shops and manors and to enlist in the state income".
Above 113 sq. m. the local administration was engaged in measurement of houses by the area. All inhabitants of area of the power have obliged to be from January, 25th till February, 1st, 1940 in passport offices with national passports and documents on the residing right. In case of absence administrative measures - the penalty to 100 roubles were provided. Registration was the first step to the future tragedy.
"Consolidation" and eviction
- To provide with habitation of officials of an average link, "consolidation" was everywhere used. On this point in question it is accepted more than 300 statutory acts. The first - the decision of Presidium of regional executive committee from the December, 20th, 1939, resolving to district executive committees "to make consolidation of house owners in the houses belonging to nationalisation and муниципализации, and also to make consolidation in houses of the doctors occupying the superfluous space".
Here a vivid example of how "consolidation" was made out. On January, 24th, 1940 the regional executive committee has accepted the decision "to condense the house owner of the Wordly Samuila Davydovicha living in mountains. Baranovichi on street Komsomol № 5, stone two-storeyed, the size (length 15,8 on 11,9)" in which the Baranovichsky City Council was offered "to make consolidation of Wordly Samuila Davydovicha, it agree positions about a quadrature members of his family". "Our house measured and, according to municipality requirements, have come to a conclusion that it too big and it is possible to settle tenants to us. Soldiers of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs have searched the house, searching for that we could hide", - recollected Wordly.
The facts testify that consolidation was applied till June, 22nd, 1941.
In large quantities to move steels from the introduction of Red Army on territory of Poland - on September, 17th, 1939, on what specifies the regional executive committee report № 2 for December, 29th, 1939
According to the regional executive committee decision, on habitation clearing 10 days were given. However so was only on a paper. Among archival documents it is not revealed any list of the house owners who have received the notice on eviction as there are no also typical forms (notices) on eviction.
"In the opinion of tenants there were tears. Their sights ran on cold and self-satisfied persons of robbers, as though searching for possibility to remove the appeared suddenly trouble. But words" mercy "and" humanity "in a lexicon of the Soviet power did not appear. Having ordered to gather and having read a verdict about eviction, people, without being sorry neither 80-year-old old men, nor mothers with babies on hands, threw out, as dogs, on street", - one of eyewitnesses of an epoch recollected.
Only in one day - on December, 17th, 1940 - army of the homeless have filled up барановичские 770 house owners. By the summer 1941 regional fund of habitation (as a matter of fact, for the Soviet nomenclature) totaled habitation of 2635 apartments and houses.
I will notice that such scale evictions of people to a national and social sign and from economic reasons in deadlines according to plan were not carried out in one country of the world, except nazi Germany. Less than in a year Stalin's allies, nazis, will go on the approved way, having occupied in houses and the apartments nationalised by Bolsheviks in 1939-1941.
Jesuit methods
- There were many documentary illustrations of how, forming available housing, the Soviet power did not avoid even the most Jesuit methods.
For example, since 1940 of inhabitants of the Western Belarus involved for restoration of the destroyed roads. And it is frequent besides a labour duty people paid also repair work. So, on August, 13th, 1940 the manager Shchuchinsky райкомунхозом has written out "accounts гр. To ShChuchina Kaplan Itsku 1263 rbl. 52 copeck, гр. To Skubsky Jankelju - for the sum 343 rbl. 44 copeck, etc. to citizens on мощение streets and sidewalk packing".
About mass character of penal sanctions № 577 from June, 21st, 1940 "the decision of Baranovichsky regional executive committee testifies To the facts of infringement of a revolutionary legality in separate areas of area". From it follows that "a number of chairmen РИК roughly break a roar. Legality therefore taken out decisions РИК are especially wrong, as for example: the decision of Djatlovsky District executive committee for № 16 on motives" For sabotage in trade from outside of some dealers "- Kagana for 5000 rbl., Kobana for 5000 rbl., the Butler for 4000 rbl., Butinsky for 2000 rbl., Gertsovsky on 3500 руб" have fined Pushkin for 10 000 rbl. In this case it is a question of Vasilishkovsky area …
Already on September, 17th, 1939 Bolsheviks began to grasp houses and apartments of the Polish officials and well-founded citizens which have left them, being afraid for a life. When the best habitation has got "восточникам" the first wave, managers from local promoted workers, aspiring to catch desired metres, did not avoid to threaten on school buildings. Such facts had mass character. Only some examples:
The village Corners, the former elementary school (on 80 pupils) is used under apartments of officials. The decision was taken out by Country Committee;
д. Петровичи, were НШ (on 80 pupils) it is grasped under apartments autocratically;
Новогрудок, incomplete СШ № 5 (60 pupils) also it is autocratically adapted under apartments;
д. Small Stepanovichi of Moscow Tovsky area, НШ (30 pupils) local officials have autocratically adapted under the apartments.
One of ways изымания properties "Westerners" had "a voluntary" nationalisation, that is refusal of own property. So, for example, the regional executive committee decision № 1441 from November, 23rd, 1940 informs: "to Consider a soap factory transferred voluntary and gratuitously, it agree a written statement to gr th Shapiro from 28.9.-40. To district industrial complex".
Everywhere forgeries practised. Managers deliberately carried the attracted houses - even with owners - to the category of thriftless constructions. Studying of sources - lists about nationalisation, public prosecutor's protests and other documents - gives such picture: under lists to empty houses are carried more than 135 home ownerships, under complaints - 457, in many of which there lived people.
After occurrence of the regional commission on nationalisation lists of the house owners arriving for withdrawal, were corrected personally by the vice-president of regional executive committee Rafailom the Sergeant. The editing essence was reduced to one: earlier made decision on nationalisation was replaced with the formulation "муниципализировать". Any positive decision on return of habitation the commission working till June, 22nd, 1941, has not taken out.
Plunder the stolen!
- Thus officials, Red Army men, security officers and local residents took out from "заможных" houses everything that only it was possible to carry away. Money and family ornaments it is frequent there and then, on a place, divided and stuffed into the pockets. Did not disdain bed and underwear, ware and a foodstuff … the Rest settled in warehouses which were in conducting chairmen of the regional consumer unions. That with them was in a reality, it is visible
Дятлово and area - "the flour, groats, sugar, confectionery products, etc. were delivered to the house to workers of executive committees";
Ляховичи and area - "chairman Gorpo тов. Чушаков released vodka, etc. products on notes";
Zheludoksky area - "the property divided a local management among themselves";
Everywhere - that remains (has not deteriorated), "went to retail trade".
It is known that the account of movement of the foodstuffs was not conducted. The most part of supplies was plundered before receipt on a warehouse.
In warehouses values - gold, silver, brilliants, pictures were stored also, books … presence of two special commissions which made their estimation, since September of 1939 and March of 1941 Documentary proves to be true. The USSR should send the confiscated riches to Moscow in the order of Management of precious metals НКФ. However values, as well as property, were squandered and abducted. Till now it is not known how many, when and where have sent values from area territory per 1939-41.
In search of justice
- Complaints to the authorities and Office of Public Prosecutor on plunder of personal things, beating and wrong nationalisation are documentary traced by the beginning of 1940. In the majority applicants demanded decision cancellation about муниципализации and, of course, habitation return. So, from 156 complaints which have arrived in the beginning of 1940, 138 was individual, 18 - collective.
Applicants were whom? Owners of hotel - 19, shop - 12, bakeries - 4, sausage factory - 5, a handicraft workshop - 2, a sewing workshop - 1, brick-works - 2, warehouse - 8, garages - 2, drugstores with warehouse - 5, a medical institution - 1, steam mills - 3, power stations - 2 …
The national structure жалобщиков was the following: Poles - 12, Byelorussians - 9, Russian - 1, Jews - 281.
As appears from documents, the statement and complaints were not considered by officials. The families which have been thrown out on street, on the statements did not receive affirmative replies. Answers "жалобщикам" as them named in исполкомовских offices, were reduced, as a rule, to one: "the Decision on nationalisation (муниципализации) is taken out correctly".
87 % of victims - Jews
- Everything that it was possible to establish, gives the grounds to confirm: nationalisation was the form of the reprisals directed, first, on maintenance of the Soviet officials by habitation, secondly, elimination of the most well-founded part of the population, - Alexander Tatarenko concludes. - the Selective analysis of 167 decisions of regional executive committee about nationalisation (муниципализации) defines 3782 victims, the analysis of 150 statements and complaints to nationalisation cancellation - 350 more. Concerning national aspect, in the first case Jews have made 3658 persons, Poles - 151, Byelorussians - 28, Russian - 2, Tatars - 13. In the second: Jews - 328, Poles - 15, Byelorussians - 6.
Interesting data contains in the third group of documents - decisions about nationalisation cancellation. Applicants asked to cancel decisions of Time managements on nationalisation. However, to find these decisions it was not possible. Even if they are not present, the available testify that victims was much more. Being based on approximate arithmetic calculation, it is possible to speak about 8 thousand owners of the real estate which has become by hostages of a room question. To the aforesaid it is necessary to add that 87 % from total number are made by Jews, - утвержадет барановичский the historian.
- What became with people who have left without a roof over the head over a head and means of subsistence?
- They are not present among victims of political reprisals - among deported and condemned. As proprietors of habitation cannot be carried to large business or managers (in ill-fated those lists there were units), the power has prepared for them a fate which it is possible to guess only. While 1941 are content with the document, dated April. It is the official report of the officer of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs by which number of the Belarus Jews-prisoners of concentration camps - 58 852 persons is sounded. If it not they, arises a question: where have disappeared 10 thousand inhabitants of Baranovichsky area - Poles, Byelorussians, Russian, Jews and Tatars?