It's going to be fairly natural that the AT Pro gets more airtime
with the ones that already have machines.
It does have a lot of features that the ace machines don't.
So I think most of the ace owners would be more likely to eyeball
the AT vs the 350.
Sure, it's almost double the money vs the 350, but it's a much
greater step up from what I can see.
I think the 350 is a good machine, but I think it will appeal more
to first time buyers, unless one with a 250 really wants that different
lower ID range and DD coil.
It has more low end resolution, but it's at the expense of the coin end.
So ones that do a lot of coin hunting might be a tad put off by that,
even if it's only an ID issue rather than whether it's detected or not.
The 350 will still find the coins, it's just that the coin ID range will
be a bit more scrunched up. So less coin ID resolution.
They aimed it at the lower cost relic hunter crowd..
As far as coin ID, I'm betting that the digital readout on the AT could
come in handy in that regard, plus you still have the usual tabs on
the ID scale.
The AT should be better at both jobs.. Coins and relics. And it can