There was a copy of a post from an external(not Findmall) forum posted on the Findmall BH forum that is attributed to Dave Johnson. However whether he wrote it would have to be confirmed with him.,903416,903416#msg-903416
In that post he purportedly made the following statement:
"The Omega circuitry and software are a major revision of the Fisher F5,
which although it was a bit slow to "catch on", is now getting good reviews." Which seems to indicate that F5 sales have been disappointing. And that "they" FT are ready to move on with the introduction of the Teknetics Omega since it is noted above as a
"major revision of the Fisher F5."
So if the above post is correctly proved to be from DJ, then a natural question is "why buy an F5?" when you can buy the improved F5 Version 2 (Teknetics Omega). Across all their brands which share internals there are so many detectors around a median price of $550USD that it's just silly. FT continues to eat it's young.

As Yogurt in Spaceballs sez "Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the movie is made."
OK who's gonna make an Omega review DVD?

One without English subtitles that is.