Like the 4" and the 5.5". My Golden bit the bullet sent it to Tesoro and had a PIC replaced and got it back and the Tones are not right and I don't get near the depth I used to get before I sent it to them to fix. It was the old type with the holes in the speaker. I used to be able to center the notch and get 4 good tones at great depths. Now the tones suck as if you get past 4"s they change tones. I used to get a iron tone,nickle tone,zinc tone and a high tone even at the edge of the deepest depth on the different coils. Now you have to turn the notch all the way CW just to get reasonable tones and even then they are not solid tones. Don't say send it to Tesoro as they have had it 3 times total and can't get it to preform like it used to. I think they changed something since the old machines and the new machines. The preformance sucks now and I thought maybe someone might know a good tech that can make it preform again. If not I think I will just run over the SOB with my truck and send it to Tosoro and tell them where they can put it. That will be the last resort. Can you tell I am P%^&ed off. any help will be greatly appreciated as I loved my Golden it was one of my best trash and Iron Machines iI ever owned besides the Shadow and 6000 XLPRO. If the new ones are any indication of there preformance now then I will just forget about it and make some small pieces out of it and send the junk to Tesoro. It is not even good enough to sell. Or at least I would not even think of selling it in this condition. I just want it to preform like it used to. Hell I could hit a 8" dime on edge with the 4" coil with it supertuned and at dis all the way to the left and I got a high tone on it every time not the B.S. I am getting now. It won't even do 5"s with the 5.5" coil much less my old 4" coil. The tones are screwed too at that depth. Thanks Jerry aka Tinfoil