In basic capability the two machines are in the same league, with the F75 in BP mode (if you've got that version) having the edge on larger deeper stuff in areas where BP mode can be used.
If you didn't have either, I'd say get the GB Pro, it's designed more specifically for gold prospecting and is easier to use skilfully. A machine you know how to use right always works better than one that you don't know how to use right.
However if you've got an F75 and know how to use it in all metals autotune mode, you don't really need a GB Pro, the F75 will do the job fine.
If you're new to beeping for gold (or for that matter even if you've been doing it for quite a while) I recommend downloading and reading the book "Gold Prospecting with a VLF Metal Detector", available on both the Fisher and Teknetics websites and stocked in paper print by some dealers.
Have fun on your gold prospecting expedition!
--Dave J.