I think that in many cases , what some folks consider not having a screen being a DIS service , I think of as a positive ......When we have a screen and see numbers , we automatically think " this is a penny , or a nickel , or a quarter , or ????......We judge said target and either dig it or not .... A strange number might make us NOT dig something or a penny number might stop us from digging .....While some may think this is a positive , they might be missing out on some pretty good targets ....My example was digging all day on the beach with a broken digging tool , and getting pull tabs all day long ....It was hot , and I was tired , and my last pull tab number came up and I just passed on it ....My buddy dug it and it turned out to be a honker of a Platinum wedding band !!...... Lesson learned .....Tesoro machines force us to dig as we are just not sure of what's under the coil sometimes .....We have the Tesoro roll to give us somewhat of an indication of what's there ... They give us the depth that we all crave, and they have many different coils to get into just about any scenario that we want , and they don't require 12 batteries to run deep !!..... They are light weight and easy to handle so that an old timer ,or a kid , can swing them ...... I'm at the stage in my life whereby "Less is more " ..... Bottom line ...You're gonna dig more garbage before you dig that special target !!.....Get use to it !.... Do you remember your first ring , or your first Silver ? ..... You were like a kid at Christmas !!! ... It's GREAT that something so simple can give you so much joy !!...... KISS ( Keep it simple stupid ).....