Although they are not specifically referred to as modes, I like to think of the X-70 as having 5 hunt modes. One is the Prospecting mode, which is a true all metal mode, allowing the user the ability to operate with adjustible iron mask functionality. The other 4 are found in the Coin/Treasure mode...... All Metal, Pattern 1, Pattern 2 and Pattern 3. The C/T All Metal mode allows for the detection of both ferrous and non-ferrous, with zero discrimination. The 3 Patterns are each fully programmable and allow the user to set the 28 notch segments according to the ferrous (or non-ferrous) content of the targets you want to accept or reject. Each of those 28 notch segments can be set to either accept or reject, in any of those 3 Patterns. And each of those Patterns can be set differently. Although the X-70 comes preprogrammed for specific notch segments "turned on or off" in each Pattern, you can tweak each of the 3 Patterns for your hunt preferences. For example, if you were specifically hunting for US coins, you could set Pattern 1 to reject all ferrous targets, Pattern 2 to reject anything with a TID of less than 10, to allow for US nickels, and Pattern 3 to accept 10, 12, and nothces 24 -48. This would "get rid of most modern trash" and still accept most US coins. I say MOST as the 3-cent nickel reads a 6, if I remember correctly.
As someone who hunts in All Metal (99% of the time), and the multi-tone mode, I do have one of my Patterns set to accept all targets. The reason is that when the X-70 is turned off after a hunt, when it is turned back on it will be set at the last Pattern mode you used. Since I like to hunt in all metal and sometimes, when arriving on site, get in a hurry to swing the coil, I don't want to be 15 minutes into a hunt before I realize that I am rejecting certain targets. That is why I set my Pattern 3 up with zero discrimination. If I do happen to forget to move from the initial Pattern to All Metal, I am still hunting in a zero discrimination mode, due to my "default" Pattern 3 being set with all notches accepted. In other words my Pattern 3 is a mirror of the all metal mode, and is the Pattern that loads when I turn on the detector. The other 2 Patterns are set to accept all targets except the common notch segments for trash common to the area I might be hunting. I seldom (if ever) use those Patterns. But if the area is littered with a specific type of "junk", and I am tired of digging those targets, I can simply switch to the Pattern that has it rejected and resume my hunt. JMHO HH Randy