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Several weeks ago a friend and brother in Christ registered Brian to see if he would qualify for free health juice. The juice is all natural and very expensive, $35 a bottle (a 7 day supply), and he did qualify. They gave us 2 cases to start with and told me they would provide all that Brian would drink, even if he drank a bottle a day. We have rationed it to him to last about a week and he is now on his 3rd bottle. Now, I am extremely skeptical about supplements that are promoted as wonder juices and just as skeptical of the claims made by others. And, Carol is, well...worse than me in the skepticism department. I do believe that God can heal us and will, in His time, but also that He designed our bodies to heal itself, and provided the vitamins and minerals in the plants He created to aid in the healing process. Now that our soil is so depleted of minerals, (and I know this first hand because my mom has 120 acres that are sharecropped in Kansas and her fertilizer bill is very high), we don't get enough of the vitamins and minerals to aid in the healing process. Enter this wonder juice. The claim is the berry it is made of has the highest concentration of minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants than any plant known to man. OK. I have to take their word for it because I don't have the means to verify it myself. But hey, it's free and we gave it a try.
A couple of days ago Brian said the tumor on his lower gum was shrinking. I dismissed it as wishful thinking. I gently explained to him that he shouldn't get his hopes up, but that it was a possibility. Carol felt the same as I, but we prayed that it was true. Again, last night when I was getting Brian out of the pool he showed me his tumor again and said "Daddy, I tell you it is shrinking!!" OK. That's great bud, but I am still skeptical. I just can't see any difference.
Today, I just got in from a carpet cleaning job and Carol said that Brian had something to show me. "Look dad, it's gone down some more!!"
It can't be, can it?? I looked at Carol and asked her what she thought and as skeptical as she is, she said "Doug, it does look smaller!" OK.
I still won't admit to myself that it is smaller because I don't want to be disappointed. But, I want to encourage Brian to be positive about it but not be disappointed as well.
Could it be that this snake oil is working?? Time will tell.
Also, Brian walked across the room today without his walker!!!! The longest he's walked in many weeks. I forgot how tall he was!!
Please keep him in your prayers. God is great and I know He will heal Brian in His time.
God bless,
A couple of days ago Brian said the tumor on his lower gum was shrinking. I dismissed it as wishful thinking. I gently explained to him that he shouldn't get his hopes up, but that it was a possibility. Carol felt the same as I, but we prayed that it was true. Again, last night when I was getting Brian out of the pool he showed me his tumor again and said "Daddy, I tell you it is shrinking!!" OK. That's great bud, but I am still skeptical. I just can't see any difference.
Today, I just got in from a carpet cleaning job and Carol said that Brian had something to show me. "Look dad, it's gone down some more!!"
It can't be, can it?? I looked at Carol and asked her what she thought and as skeptical as she is, she said "Doug, it does look smaller!" OK.
I still won't admit to myself that it is smaller because I don't want to be disappointed. But, I want to encourage Brian to be positive about it but not be disappointed as well.
Could it be that this snake oil is working?? Time will tell.
Also, Brian walked across the room today without his walker!!!! The longest he's walked in many weeks. I forgot how tall he was!!
Please keep him in your prayers. God is great and I know He will heal Brian in His time.
God bless,