I am not a Detector enthusiast but many members in my Family are and Compass throughout the years has brought many many hours of enjoyment to those family members , It saddens me to find out they have nearly vanished from the detector scene and I have spend days and days scanning the web trying to find a dealer then came to realize they where no longer making detectors and now I find this place giving me some glimmer of hope
I don't know much about detectors but know my dad once owned a relic magnum back in the day and loved it for its time frame , I also went to the factory and picked up a detector with my Uncle who then lived in Salem Oregon ( long time ago back around 1982 or so ) My Dad is 74 years old but still pretty active for a guy who had quadruple bypass a year ago , I am currently unemployed and don't have a heck of a lot of money for Christmas and have 4 kids to buy for but would REALLY like to get him something he would enjoy ( who knows how many more years he has with us)
any chance to get a great deal on something like the xp 350 or similar Compass?
Would love to get him a Compass other than an Ebay model of some other well known brand that we will not mention here , for our Family Compass has always been the one to beat back in the day anyways ...
Hopefully we will soon see Compass rise to the forefront of the industry with some groundbreaking new line of detector ,I think Its great when small companies are able to achieve what Compass once did with the giants of the Industry and put a product out that rivals them in such a manner and has what I considered as high or higher quality ...
well enough of this rambling and best wishes to the Members of the Compass team !!