I went back to the field where targets are actually starting to dry up. Got to the top of a hill and after I caught my breath I started swinging. First hit was a dime but my 2500 said a sentence I'd never heard it say before. It said, "Coin depth 3 inches." It would normally say, "Size B at 3 inches." I dug the dime and moved on not knowing what was happening. It happened with the second target too and then I noticed imaging wasn't functioning at all. I sat down and checked my batteries and the coil connection. Turned the detector back on and imaging still wasn't working. I did a factory reset and it still wasn't working. I walked all the way back to my truck for another imaging coil, installed it, and imaging still wasn't working. I had visions of my 2500 being shipped off to Garrett and decided to hunt for a while without imaging. It was hard getting used to and after the 6th beer can I was pretty upset. I had been at it for an hour, had about 10 coins. Was already tired from a long walk to and from my truck when I sat down for the second time. I removed the batteries, installed new, did a factory reset, still no imaging. Hunted and dug another beer can at about 12 inches. Sat down and thought a bit. What has happened since the last time I used the machine? Nothing major. It had not gotten wet or muddy. My new environmental cover saw to that. Did I say new environmental cover? Removed it and everything was fine. I don't know what it was messing with. I think it was depressing a button which would not allow imaging to function. Well I hunted for another 2 hours. Imaging was working fine. I could not recreate the circumstances that led to imaging not working. I got my detector all muddy as usual. Gonna have to figure out what exactly went wrong after I give it a bath. That cover really saves me cleanup time and wear and tear.
I put the coins away before I photographed them but there were 65 coins for $5.35.
Also the cool MJ pin and religious medal (badly corroded.) 1953D wheat which is about the 20th of that date and mint mark for me. Dog tag.
What is special is the pellet. That thing was down about 3 inches and the detector went off like a pistol. I thought I really had something. This was in the middle of a huge hayfield.
I never really got into a rhythm. Targets never really started jumping out of the ground. I was tired before I started. Took a big sack of trash out of the friendly farmer's field. FFF? Hope your days went better than mine. I need a beer.
I put the coins away before I photographed them but there were 65 coins for $5.35.
Also the cool MJ pin and religious medal (badly corroded.) 1953D wheat which is about the 20th of that date and mint mark for me. Dog tag.
What is special is the pellet. That thing was down about 3 inches and the detector went off like a pistol. I thought I really had something. This was in the middle of a huge hayfield.
I never really got into a rhythm. Targets never really started jumping out of the ground. I was tired before I started. Took a big sack of trash out of the friendly farmer's field. FFF? Hope your days went better than mine. I need a beer.