Reading Bill in Ill's post on the FBS forum where he found the nail clipper with the silver ring, prompted me to make this post explaining why I think running iron mask with the following settings when ever possible is such a good idea. Now he stated he got a high silver tone, yet the reading on the smart screen was in the indian head area. The way the explorer reads a target on the smart find screen measuring its iron content as well as its conductivity will cause to happen happen, the iron and silver together kind of averages out at a lower reading than silver yet much higher than iron on the cross hairs. Now having the response set to conductivity only, the explorer still trys to report the target with the highest conductivity reading(silver) while over that part of the two targets, so you still get the higher silevr tone. If the audio was set to ferrous, you might not get alerted to this target, at least maybe not enough to make you stop and check the screen, So using you ears with your settings like this, and paying close attention to when the smart screen is not reading where you think it should be by the tone you are getting, will net you some nice finds others might bypass or never hear to begin with. Now Bill says he wasnt running in iron mask when he found it, but I will bet the area of the screen it came in on was open, had it been a gold ring, and the majority of the left side disced out I bet it wouldnt have reported it. I have dug quite a few coins in iron that read high left of middle, not much above where the highest iron mask setting would knock it out, or a ferrous mode audio would have given me a low tone, butn by opening up iron mask a bit to -8 or a bit more and running conductive audio I heard those coins loud and clear, and from where I saw it reading on the screen I knew it was something good, too far right for most iron and the tone unlike the iron ping that almost all big iron that does respond responds with, the combo of good audio with an odd meter reading is almost always a good sign. Had I been running in ferrous audio, I might not even glance at the screen thinking it was just more iron or foil. Trust your ears with the explorer while using the meter as a guide, and you wont dig much trash and you wont miss many good targets. I will be making another post on how to get the smoothest audio responses later on. from reading emails and some of the posts with people having trouble distinguishing tones and getting warbles, I am convinced its the way they are sweeping the target. once you get the correct sweep with the right audio settings it s easy to get a good target to sound good and solid, but still difficult to get a bad taget to sound good and steady.. there are a few exceptions, but once you learn the distinct tones that they give off, most of those can be eliminated also. I am not sure if running in digital will get you the same results when in iron, If digital is reading targets by conductivity alone then it may work as well in that setting as well, but I dont see how you could compare off reading targets unless running in ferrous mode....still praying for one more warm spell..really want to do some 8 inch coil comparisons <IMG SRC="/forums/images/smile.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="