Unofficially, I would like to introduce you to the newest members of the Minelab X-Terra family. The SMALL COILS! Minelab has not made an official announcement. But they have agreed to allow me to share a few pics with you.
The Concentric coil operates at 7.5 kHz.
[attachment 65040 Xterraconcentric6.jpg]
The DD coil is 18.75 kHz.
[attachment 65041 xterraDD6.jpg]
When it says a nickel....
[attachment 65036 tidsaysnickel.jpg]
it is a nickel
[attachment 65037 yepitwasanickel1890infact.jpg]
The Twins!
[attachment 65038 2smallcoils.jpg]
Now residing with their parents and older siblings.
[attachment 65039 X-Terrabuffet.jpg]
Field tests are completed. Production is underway. Delivery is anxiously anticipated. In addition to myself, I know a couple other guys who have been involved in the Field Tests for several months. Hopefully they read this and participate in the discussion. Feel free to ask questions, realizing we are somewhat limited on the amount of information we can share. Questions about product specifications, manufacturing data and when you might expect your dealer to have them, are best left to the folks at Minelab. I'm just excited that the delivery date is near, and I was able to share this preliminary information with you. HH Randy
The Concentric coil operates at 7.5 kHz.
[attachment 65040 Xterraconcentric6.jpg]
The DD coil is 18.75 kHz.
[attachment 65041 xterraDD6.jpg]
When it says a nickel....
[attachment 65036 tidsaysnickel.jpg]
it is a nickel
[attachment 65037 yepitwasanickel1890infact.jpg]
The Twins!
[attachment 65038 2smallcoils.jpg]
Now residing with their parents and older siblings.
[attachment 65039 X-Terrabuffet.jpg]
Field tests are completed. Production is underway. Delivery is anxiously anticipated. In addition to myself, I know a couple other guys who have been involved in the Field Tests for several months. Hopefully they read this and participate in the discussion. Feel free to ask questions, realizing we are somewhat limited on the amount of information we can share. Questions about product specifications, manufacturing data and when you might expect your dealer to have them, are best left to the folks at Minelab. I'm just excited that the delivery date is near, and I was able to share this preliminary information with you. HH Randy