Noticing that there are requests lately for settings, fe3o4 tips, etc, I decided to play in my test garden. Everything I've read about coil position indicated sweeping it flat to the ground was best. Knowing that there are usually exceptions to most rules, I decided to try a little experiment.
In my test garden I have a clad dime buried (2 weeks ago) at 4" deep and a large square rusted bent nail (also buried 2 weeks ago) at 4" deep, located within 3" horizontally from each other. Best I could get at any Discrimination settings, other then an occasional iron false squawk, was solid iron tones. Decided to play with this arrangement to see if any previously undetected intelligence was available. My settings were DE, ---Sens. 90, ---Disc. 0, ---tones 4H, no Notch, --- GB 80, ---fe304 = .03. At one point I decide to tilt the F-75's rod back toward me considerably farther than the approx. 45 degrees normally used for hunting/sweeping. I'm thinking that around 25 to 30 degrees would be close. At this point I started twisting my wrist left and right which gave the tip of the large coil somewhat of an arc. Interestingly, I started getting high tones over the previously mentioned target setup. Pivoting around the target I pretty much got high tones all the way around. The term "EUREKA" came to mind. Of course, this could be just an anomaly but it might also be significant for those hunting in iron.infested areas.
Would appreciate it if anyone with a similar test garden iron setup could give this procedure a test and report whether or not this is just something isolated to my area. My plans are to make it part of my unmasking routine.
In my test garden I have a clad dime buried (2 weeks ago) at 4" deep and a large square rusted bent nail (also buried 2 weeks ago) at 4" deep, located within 3" horizontally from each other. Best I could get at any Discrimination settings, other then an occasional iron false squawk, was solid iron tones. Decided to play with this arrangement to see if any previously undetected intelligence was available. My settings were DE, ---Sens. 90, ---Disc. 0, ---tones 4H, no Notch, --- GB 80, ---fe304 = .03. At one point I decide to tilt the F-75's rod back toward me considerably farther than the approx. 45 degrees normally used for hunting/sweeping. I'm thinking that around 25 to 30 degrees would be close. At this point I started twisting my wrist left and right which gave the tip of the large coil somewhat of an arc. Interestingly, I started getting high tones over the previously mentioned target setup. Pivoting around the target I pretty much got high tones all the way around. The term "EUREKA" came to mind. Of course, this could be just an anomaly but it might also be significant for those hunting in iron.infested areas.
Would appreciate it if anyone with a similar test garden iron setup could give this procedure a test and report whether or not this is just something isolated to my area. My plans are to make it part of my unmasking routine.