Gulf Hunter
Active member
I was visiting with a pirate friend of mine on the beach the other day while taking a break from surf hunting. We were discussing the Excal and I was telling him how great the unit is. Now don't get me wrong, I still think it is a great unit, but saw something that terrified me! I had found a silver ring in the surf that gave me a great signal and just for kicks threw it down on the wet sand next to a nail. I scanned over the ring and it nulled! I would have thought that a strong conductor like silver would overcome the nulling effects of ferrous iron! What this tells me is, that if there is a gold or silver ring in the surf, that it must move away from the nail for me to signal it. I never bench test or play around like this, as I know that in real time surf conditions, things are much different than could be reasonably duplicated in a bench test setting. I wonder if the ring were out there in the surf, if the unit would have signalled it had it been in close proximity to a nail? It sure did not even acknowledge the target laying on top of the wet sand! Lets discuss this phenomenon, as I would like some input on this very valid concern.