Last night trying to beat a rainstorm I hurried ground balancing and forgot to turn my sens. down fron Max of 10.
Having hunted this area for the last week I just set my sens at 5 but forgot in the rush.. Sure my unit was unstable but I thought perhaps even though there was no lightning it was affecting my unit so hunted for about 10 minutes and found I got a lot of overloads which were caused by shallow cans a foot to the side of the actual hit but when I noticed I forgot at 5 the overloads were gone when sens. returned to 5 so I feel run your CZ too high in sens you are really increasing your chances of masking so I felt I would pass the info on to ardent CZ owners.
I might add having been doing too much deep silver hunting lately as haven't been traveling as not worth an hours drive or so to the farmlands for short hunts which is my max...
Found an area close to home with deep coins that may be virgin if thats possible as area has never been cut over the years by maintenance.
So far in 5 hunts....12 hours or so due to heat before it gets dark have gotten approx. 20 wheaties oldest 1917 into the 1940's, 1920-1935 merc. and last night a 1897 Barber quarter.
Depths were approx. 6-12 inches and the old quarter was one of the shallower ones at 6 inches and the 1935 Merc. had to be a foot which surprised me as no ryhme or reason when it comes to depth I guess.
Felt like the old days when I traveled but wish it would cool down a tad and bet your boots just might be one more silver hiding...
Having hunted this area for the last week I just set my sens at 5 but forgot in the rush.. Sure my unit was unstable but I thought perhaps even though there was no lightning it was affecting my unit so hunted for about 10 minutes and found I got a lot of overloads which were caused by shallow cans a foot to the side of the actual hit but when I noticed I forgot at 5 the overloads were gone when sens. returned to 5 so I feel run your CZ too high in sens you are really increasing your chances of masking so I felt I would pass the info on to ardent CZ owners.
I might add having been doing too much deep silver hunting lately as haven't been traveling as not worth an hours drive or so to the farmlands for short hunts which is my max...
Found an area close to home with deep coins that may be virgin if thats possible as area has never been cut over the years by maintenance.
So far in 5 hunts....12 hours or so due to heat before it gets dark have gotten approx. 20 wheaties oldest 1917 into the 1940's, 1920-1935 merc. and last night a 1897 Barber quarter.
Depths were approx. 6-12 inches and the old quarter was one of the shallower ones at 6 inches and the 1935 Merc. had to be a foot which surprised me as no ryhme or reason when it comes to depth I guess.
Felt like the old days when I traveled but wish it would cool down a tad and bet your boots just might be one more silver hiding...