I agree with all that is said before, however you will undoubtedly have to check which is going to be the best for you. Usually first time buyers are looking at the cost as the first priority, then what is it best suited for, dry land, sand, beach, water resistant, water proof. It is all about the area you live and where you will be mostly hunting. Some folks like as much information a display can give, others would rather go by sound. It really is hard to choose the first detector, but choose you must. By all means go to the various sites that show different models and manufacturers, a good thing to do is download the manuals and read through them and see how hard or easy they are to use and what controls, tones, and the like that each has. If you are going to spend hours on end hunting, weight can be an issue, your age and flexibility are also considerations. So there is so much info out there and as many opinions as coins in the ground. Good luck, and do your homework, it will be worth it.
welcome to the happy hunting grounds.