Hey guys, was planning to return westward to have another go at gold nuggets with the Infinium LS but have been sidelined for extensive physical therapy until about June. Have removed the middle rod and jammed the lower end rod into the handle of my Infinium LS and with waterproof headphones have been snorkeling shallow swimming areas in local salt water bays. The thing just glides along and I fan off the sand and mud over the target to recover it. Found a fist full of quarters, nickels, dimes and some pennies along with 5 rings, (none gold) a large 50 cent sized token/coin at over a foot into the mud and sand along with the usual assorted junk. Am using the stock coil DD and was wondering if anyone could recommend a different coil for what I am doing. I want to hit salt water beaches as well as the bays and even fresh water swimming holes. Some of the water is only two feet deep but no stress on shoulders or back and I've got an inoperable tumor on my spine so this has been quite a relief and allows me to get in the water and go for it. There is something magical about fanning away the sand and when the debris clear out seeing a couple of coins or a ring in the bottom of the hole. Am ordering the Hookamax system for extended stays and at deeper depths. Getting a wetsuit too because a few hours in the water even here in Florida makes for a very cold end of the day. So far am quite impressed with the Infinium and it seems to work as well under water as it does on land.