Hi Darryl,
Yup, that's me. I'm turning into a bit of a ground-balancing pulse induction junkie. My Infinium and GP 3000 are scoring most all my major finds these days. I just sold two of my VLF units as they were getting little use. You have to put up with quirky dual-tone discrimination that is nowhere near what a VLF has for dicrimination, but the fact is the my Infinium and GP pull targets out of mineralized ground and from depths my VLF detectors cannot touch.
Anyway, I'm not posting as much lately as I've been too busy, and felt like I was coming off as some kind of "Infinium pusher". The fact is that these types of units are not for everyone, and people with a certain set of expectations will not like them at all. But for anyone seriously interested in PI units, who does not want to just "dig-it-all" the Infinium is a very real option. I've dug more old coins with it this summer than I have with a VLF in years, and from areas considered "worked out". The only real limitation on the unit as far as I am concerned is that you cannot use it in places where digging large, deep holes is unacceptable.
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Steve Herschbach