In a recent package deal with a member, I received a Nokta RS pinpointer. Up to this time, I'd been using a Garrett Pro Pointer. It was OK, but had a tendency to "false" if you torqued it in the ground. I used the Nokta a few times and was pleasantly surprised on how accurate and easy to use it was. So. I sold the ProPointer. Then, I became aware of the new Nokta Pointer: I ordered it and now use it, exclusively. It comes with a belt sheath, two replaceable tips, a really nice carrying case, and a finds bag. It has a light, is submersible to 3 feet, and best of all, you can increase or decrease the sensitivity of the pointer. If I'm hunting in grassy areas where I don't expect to find old/valuable coins, I prefer to use a screwdriver to locate the coins--the probe and dig method. Sometimes, in the small hole I make with the driver, the pointer will sound-off, but I have no idea which way to dig. By decreasing the sensitivity, I am able to tell which side of the hole the object is located, which is a real time- and work-saver.
This is an unsolicited testimonial: I have no stock in, nor do I sell Nokta products (in fact, I don't retail anything). Just thought I'd pass on my experience, for the benefit of anyone who is looking for a quality product.
This is an unsolicited testimonial: I have no stock in, nor do I sell Nokta products (in fact, I don't retail anything). Just thought I'd pass on my experience, for the benefit of anyone who is looking for a quality product.