I go with the rest of the members here. If you are just starting out there is so much to learn. It is very easy to get overwhelmed. It is easier if you have a simple detector like the F2 or. We are just telling you because most of us have seen it time and time again when a person finds out that metal detecting is not that easy. The detector goes in the closet and may stay there for years. You must find out if you are the type of person that will do metal detecting. It takes lots of time, patience, luck and hard work and it is an unusual person that will stay with it. You have to love the hunt more than anything else otherwise you will not stay with it. When you have been hunting for hours in the hot sun, your tired, dirty, bored, body aches, sweat pouring off you and you have found 12 pennies. Even the hardiest have second thoughts about going out any more.
Slide into metal detecting with a simple detector and if you have a friend that metal detects that will help that is even
better. Don't spend a lot on your first metal detector it maybe a waste of time or it may not. If it isn't you will be here posting. If not you will be looking at another hobby to try.
Thanks for reading....Z