I've been using a V3i for a couple years, the ground here is moderately to high mineralization. First commercial oil wells were drilled, after they discovered oil a few miles down the road, besides the soil, as you can imagine, the land is infested with iron from the thousands of wells and dereks. Over the last 10 years, it was a waste of time trying to metal detect around here, i,d pretty much given up on it and drove 20-30km, closer to the coast of lake Huron. I took the Ctx to a park that has a few mansins around it from the oil baron era, which i've never found a thing, with the V3i, never dug a target below 3" deep. I only spent an hour after work and found 2 silver dimes from the 40's, a 1902 large cent, a broken silver cuff link, and looks like the back of a watch casing, plus some miscellaneous clad, all the silver was found at 6-8". Using target separation ground-coin and recovery deep, I am shocked, this amazing machine just opened up an area that was completely undetectable. Tonight was the first night I kissed a metal detector, and I mean the Ctx 3030. I am now minelabs biggest fan.