[video]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzYUEH9HYas&feature=channel&list=UL[/video] I finally buried some nickles from 2" all the way to 10" and to my amazment i was able to get the 10" nickle in all metal with a very diggable signal, this just amazes me that this little coil can do this , now on the 7" dime i got a good siganl i would dig but the 8" i would pass on that one but this is a gold machine and really good on relicks as well i like this detector more every time i use it , disq mode 5" on dime & nickle but that good in this ground i have two bars so i guess medium minerals i was checking the earea with the GT and getting a faint response so i checked it with the gold bug i was getting the signal so i figured maybe it was a small shallow target so i dug a 7" plug out and did not get the signal in the plug but when i lowered the little coil into the hole it sounded off stronger so digging deeper i found a nail down at 8" i was amazed this thing really snuffs things out