Neil, same thought crossed my mine....Will Coiltek can the WOT coil? I suspect not, as it's very popular among Excalibur water hunters. But then, so did the S-12 seem to be, I'm sure due to both of their round designs so far less drag in water than the SEFs....But then again, Coiltek has Excalibur hard wiring schematics on their site. Seems they try real hard to appeal to the Excalibur crowd for that reason, and also the waterproof coil connector mod they sell for their WOTs (and other coils). They seem to have made it as clear and as easy as possible for Excal water hunts to throw on a WOT, so perhaps that would be reason to hope they will continue to make the WOT for the still produced Excal, which then of course means for the Sovereign as well.
I'm rather surprised Sun Ray is canning the S-12 but not the S-5 or S-8? If I were to have bet, I would have bet good money they'd can the S-5/S-8 and keep the S-12 in production, since I would figure hardly any Excalibur users put one of those on, but the S-12 seems the most popular (or at least right up there tied with the WOT) water coil on the Excaliburs? Maybe it's that the 12x10, 13" Ultimate, and WOT...All compete size wise with the S-12, and so the S-5 and S-8 still have a large Sovereign market of use, because I don't see many Excalibur users strapping a S-5 or S-8 unto their machines for water hunting. The 7.25" Tornado has been canned. The 8" Coinsearch is long gone. The 5 and 6" Exclerator BBS versions are no longer sold in the US. So then that leaves what? Nothing in a US outlet to compete with the S-5 or S-8, at least when the new stock of 7.25" Tornados run out. Even the 8" Concentric is no longer available in the only US outlet. Come to think of it then, that makes perfect sense- because there are 3 large coils (Ultimate, 12x10, and WOT...4 if you count the 15x12) that are competing with the S-12...But then the 12x10 and Ultimate might be also no longer available in the only US outlet unless Kellyco gets pre-orders or orders more.