New member
One thing I like to do but usually forget to is to trim up the brush around where you are hunting. If you have an area close by that has produced treasures and then dried up try trimming up the brush and honey suckle. This is a great year to do it for the norhern folks. I know we can't cut down brush in many areas we hunt but where we can, it is a great way to open up areas and make hunting more enjoyable. In some places I have spent 30mins. trimming before I started hunting. It saves times and patience in the long run. This time of year is also a time to trim out paths to a cellar hole or even trim the banks around a fishing hole. I bring bright colored hand clippers and put them in my pouch or attach them to a string( yeah I have lost a few pairs) One day I trimmed out a cellar hole that had been hunted by me and others in the open area. In the area I trimmed out I got a CW bedroll buckle. Hope this tip makes your swinging easier and opens up old sites. Have a good one!