I've set up a VERY deep dime over at Sun Fish park. Mineralization is moderate. How Deep....
almost 10" to separate the Men from the Boys.
The Tesoro Cortes II and Vaquero have no problem 'seeing' the deep dime with a consistent repeatable target response that is soooo smooth. Cortes II IDs it consistently as a 95 with the Shaping Technology (vertical Single Bar) fluctuating between Dime and Quarter.
By turning the Tuning to MAX, induces a Loud Alert on the Target which is incredible!
The Vaquero's High Output Circuit has a significantly stronger all metal-pin point response on the targets both shallow and deep.
Tesoro's Audio Discrimination Target Response from the standpoint of Good v Bad characteristics is the BEST in the industry.
Others are good, but when I'm swinging a Tesoro (regardless of the model) even at minimum discrimination levels (120), when I encounter a target, I have a pretty good clue as to weather to dig or not to dig. This holds very true on many of the smaller ferrous and nuisance foil targets which have an almost raggedy popping characteristic, kind of like the harmonic my wife, Jenzilla, puts out when she's irritated with me for not picking up after myself.
Other competitors use a more digital audio tone which lacks those tell tale characteristics.
Tesoro sets the BAR!!!
almost 10" to separate the Men from the Boys.
The Tesoro Cortes II and Vaquero have no problem 'seeing' the deep dime with a consistent repeatable target response that is soooo smooth. Cortes II IDs it consistently as a 95 with the Shaping Technology (vertical Single Bar) fluctuating between Dime and Quarter.
By turning the Tuning to MAX, induces a Loud Alert on the Target which is incredible!
The Vaquero's High Output Circuit has a significantly stronger all metal-pin point response on the targets both shallow and deep.
Tesoro's Audio Discrimination Target Response from the standpoint of Good v Bad characteristics is the BEST in the industry.
Others are good, but when I'm swinging a Tesoro (regardless of the model) even at minimum discrimination levels (120), when I encounter a target, I have a pretty good clue as to weather to dig or not to dig. This holds very true on many of the smaller ferrous and nuisance foil targets which have an almost raggedy popping characteristic, kind of like the harmonic my wife, Jenzilla, puts out when she's irritated with me for not picking up after myself.
Other competitors use a more digital audio tone which lacks those tell tale characteristics.
Tesoro sets the BAR!!!