Would you please post these two on your web site? The first one will make you sick, you would not believe what this local college professor said about us....
College Professor unjustly accusing Detectorists
Professor Matthew Zembo has made obscene and irresponsible accusations regarding the conduct of people with metal detectors. Read this article http://m.poststar.com/mobile/article_c3944e0c-3116-11e1-a29e-0019bb2963f4.html We suggest respectfully voicing your concerns regarding his irresponsible accusations and request Professor Zembo retract his statements in a followup article. You can contact him directly Matthew Zembo Phone: (51 629-7749 E-email: m.zembo@hvcc.edu and also copy the history department chairperson Peter R. Sawyer, Ph.D. Phone: (51 629-7690 E-mail: p.sawyer@hvcc.edu
The second one is about Louisville:
CALL TO ACTION: Louisville KY needs your support starting today! This month a vote will be taken on the state senate floor in KY regarding whether or not to open up state parks to metal detecting in designated areas. Please contact Senator Seum thanking him for proposing the bill to allow metal detecting while voicing your opinion on why metal detecting should be allowed. In your email or call, it is very important that you ask the senator to forward your correspondence as a group message so all the voting senators will receive your correspondence. The city of Louisville KY has all of their city parks closed and they base their decision on state policy. It is imperative that we all voice our concerns. Senator Seum can be contacted at (502) 564 2450 or Dan.Seum@lrc.ky.gov
College Professor unjustly accusing Detectorists
Professor Matthew Zembo has made obscene and irresponsible accusations regarding the conduct of people with metal detectors. Read this article http://m.poststar.com/mobile/article_c3944e0c-3116-11e1-a29e-0019bb2963f4.html We suggest respectfully voicing your concerns regarding his irresponsible accusations and request Professor Zembo retract his statements in a followup article. You can contact him directly Matthew Zembo Phone: (51 629-7749 E-email: m.zembo@hvcc.edu and also copy the history department chairperson Peter R. Sawyer, Ph.D. Phone: (51 629-7690 E-mail: p.sawyer@hvcc.edu
The second one is about Louisville:
CALL TO ACTION: Louisville KY needs your support starting today! This month a vote will be taken on the state senate floor in KY regarding whether or not to open up state parks to metal detecting in designated areas. Please contact Senator Seum thanking him for proposing the bill to allow metal detecting while voicing your opinion on why metal detecting should be allowed. In your email or call, it is very important that you ask the senator to forward your correspondence as a group message so all the voting senators will receive your correspondence. The city of Louisville KY has all of their city parks closed and they base their decision on state policy. It is imperative that we all voice our concerns. Senator Seum can be contacted at (502) 564 2450 or Dan.Seum@lrc.ky.gov