Pete in MI
New member
Right now Sherry is facing a possible custody battle over her 15 year old daughter. Casey had gotten into trouble on the Internet and we felt for a short time she should stay with her Dad who is only 5 miles away. He has not been a Dad to her in anything in the past 11 years. This was a temporary situation. He called everyone he knew and told them - in front of Casey - that "Sherry didn't want Casey anymore and now he is stuck with a teenager". That crushed Casey to think her Mom didn't want her. Total lie. Her Dad is one of Satan's best buddies. He has been working on Casey to stay with him - because he is all alone and has no one. After all Sherry has me and he thinks he should have Casey to keep him company (even if he is saddled with a teenager he doesn't want or love).
Last night we picked Casey up after school and Sherry knew right away Casey was sick. She has been sick for about a week and her Dad said he just gave her some antihistmine because he thought she had a congested nose. We took Casey to a medical clinic and they said she has strep throat. That wouldn't be such a bad thing but Casey has had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (in remission now) but a flare of something as simple as a cold left untreated for a period of time could set off her JRA again. Last time that happened she was wheel chair bound because she could not move her joints.
Casey is here and on medication and resting. Sherry called Gary (Casey's Dad) to let him know we wouldn't be bringing her to his place tonight as she is in bed sleeping and we would notify the school that Casey would not be in school for a few days (strep is contagious). Gary threatened Sherry and told her to 'bring her back here right now". For a guy who doesn't want to be saddled with a teenager he sure is a pain.
We expect him to show up on our doorstep early this morning. Sherry asked me to promise her that if he hits her that I will not step in at all - otherwise I might go to jail for hitting him. Sherry will be seeking legal advice. They have joint custody but he has been working on Casey to want to stay with him and get full custody. At 15 the judge could let her choose and Casey is afraid to make her Dad mad and would say she wants to live whith him even though she doesn't. Remember they got divorced for the violence in their marriage. He is a slick talker and convinces everyone he is a victim of everything so people take his side even though he is lying through his teeth and though others have been warned they still believe his lies.
Sherry has been up all night crying. She is afraid she will lose Casey - who she loves more than me - as it should be. She is afraid Gary will show up and get violent. She is afraid if he gets violent I will defend the family and go to jail myself. Please pray for Casey to make the right decisions (so far she has not done well in decision making). Pray for Sherry to be able to keep her daughter. If Casey goes back to her Dad's now she may never get to see her again if he has his way - and usually he gets his way. We really need prayers on this and we thank you for your prayers. Will keep you advised of what happens along the way.
Last night we picked Casey up after school and Sherry knew right away Casey was sick. She has been sick for about a week and her Dad said he just gave her some antihistmine because he thought she had a congested nose. We took Casey to a medical clinic and they said she has strep throat. That wouldn't be such a bad thing but Casey has had Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (in remission now) but a flare of something as simple as a cold left untreated for a period of time could set off her JRA again. Last time that happened she was wheel chair bound because she could not move her joints.
Casey is here and on medication and resting. Sherry called Gary (Casey's Dad) to let him know we wouldn't be bringing her to his place tonight as she is in bed sleeping and we would notify the school that Casey would not be in school for a few days (strep is contagious). Gary threatened Sherry and told her to 'bring her back here right now". For a guy who doesn't want to be saddled with a teenager he sure is a pain.
We expect him to show up on our doorstep early this morning. Sherry asked me to promise her that if he hits her that I will not step in at all - otherwise I might go to jail for hitting him. Sherry will be seeking legal advice. They have joint custody but he has been working on Casey to want to stay with him and get full custody. At 15 the judge could let her choose and Casey is afraid to make her Dad mad and would say she wants to live whith him even though she doesn't. Remember they got divorced for the violence in their marriage. He is a slick talker and convinces everyone he is a victim of everything so people take his side even though he is lying through his teeth and though others have been warned they still believe his lies.
Sherry has been up all night crying. She is afraid she will lose Casey - who she loves more than me - as it should be. She is afraid Gary will show up and get violent. She is afraid if he gets violent I will defend the family and go to jail myself. Please pray for Casey to make the right decisions (so far she has not done well in decision making). Pray for Sherry to be able to keep her daughter. If Casey goes back to her Dad's now she may never get to see her again if he has his way - and usually he gets his way. We really need prayers on this and we thank you for your prayers. Will keep you advised of what happens along the way.