I have spent the last 3 days and 9 hours total with the CTX 3030. I have found a 1908 Barber quarter, 1928 standing Liberty quarter, 1934 Washington quarter, 3 Rosys 1948D, 1956, 1960, one indian 1888 and about 30 wheats. I think the target separation is really good. The machine is very fast and I have noticed this in very trashy areas where the Etrac used to just "null" out. Now I can hunt them pretty easily. The depth is the same as the Etrac so nothing gained there. The target ID is more accurate than the Etrac and nickels are easier to find. They stay closer to the 11-12, 12-13, 12-14 readings. I think the detector is more sensitve to smaller targets but if you LISTEN enough times while pinpointing, you can differentiate between a coin signal and a smaller target that reads like a coin. I love the wireless setup, and I chose to clip the WM inside my pants pocket and run the headphone wires inside my shirt. I feel the target trace is useless because once again if you LISTEN to the targets, you can hear the multiple targets and dig the better one. Its really not hard if you LISTEN and learn your detector. I write LISTEN in caps because too many people rely on the screen and the numbers. They are useless after a certain depth and many targets overlap and have the same response. All in all, I think the Etrac is almost as good as the CTX but the CTX can get a few more targets that are masked by iron. The depths are similar but the CTX is more accurate in IDing a target. All of my opinions are based on land hunting and places that were cleaned with an Etrac. I give the CTX a "10", whereas I give the Etrac a "9.5" But are close, but the CTX has the edge. I am glad I bought the CTX.