Finally at 2:00, 24 of us were ushered into the courtroom. We were told the defendant, who just happened to be black and about mid to late 50's, had been charged with possession of cocaine. He had no one to testify in his behalf and the state had two witnesses they would call.
The judge was asking the initial questions so that both attorney's, both young gals in their 30's, could decide who to use and who to excuse. They would ask their own questions after the judge finished.
The judge was interrupted at 2:50 with some questions from another jury in another room deliberating on a different case. We were excused for "10 minutes" outside the courtroom .... finally, 30 minutes later, at 3:20 we were called back in. The judge said since we all had been there since 8:00 AM and this trial would likely not even finish selecting jury until the next morning ..... we were all excused and the trial would be rescheduled at a later date.
One of the questions I was asked was, "Have you or someone you know ever been a victim of a crime?" My answer was , "Yes, some crackhead attempted to break into a friends home up the street from mine, thinking his home, with a new born baby and wife recovering from delivery inside, was the drug dealers home next door. Don't know if the slime-ball was arrested, just know the police were called after shots were fired".
Also told them I had my Ex store manager arrested and convicted for grand theft felony 2 from stealing from the store. I saw the defendant's attorney cross my name off her list.
As I left the courtroom, I looked at the cute state's attorney, she looked at me, I gave her the thumb's up and told her good luck. She smiled and nodded back to me. I got a glare from the judge.