Getto rich , but i love it. found all these brass and copper fittings and what have u in about 1 hour and a half. i know u guys post some nice finds on here, but with all this brass and copper comes other stuff. I found one button u can c it next to the 2 quarters , its in bad shape, there are 13 stars around the edge , the eagle has what seems to be 3 cannon balls below it and maybe a olive branch below it , hard to tell, the back is missing and needs some cleaning to further identify. This site is not real old maybe 1950s,but real fun to me The two quarters are both 1967 I found them in the sand on a salt water bayou not far from the other finds, I thought they were silver when I dug em up because they were silve looking, Humm? The picture is lousy , so the button is almost hard to see. Got to get me a pinpointer one day I feel like a one legged man at a butt kicking contest without it . Thanks for looking